Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Economía Mundial

2023, Nº 63


  • Editorial Manuela A. De Paz-Báñez


  • "Platos vacíos": Impactos de los precios de los precios de los alimentos, la desigualdad y el comercio en la desnutrición. Bahar Bayraktar Saglam
  • Estrategias y valores hacia la corresponsabilidad en los cuidados en países europeos. Elena Martínez-Tola y Luz de la Cal Barredo
  • Un estudio empírico internacional sobre el superávit fiscal desde la perspectiva de los equilibrios sectoriales: cuestionando las reglas fiscales vigentes. Eduardo Garzón Espinosa, Bibiana Medialdea García, Esteban Cruz Hidalgo y Carlos Sánchez Mato
  • El rol del Estado en la Agenda 2030: una aproximación desde la política económica. Fernando de la Criz Prego
  • Salud y bienestar de los trabajadores europeos. ¿Persisten las diferencias de género entre 2010 y 2015? María Cruz Merino-Llorente, Noelia Somarriba Arechavala y Carmen García-Prieto
  • Impulsores de la innovación y el desarrollo de agronegocios de alto rendimiento en China. Kunyan Zhu

Politique Africaine

2023, Nº 171/172
Souverainté économique et fondements du pouvoir au Maroc

Le Maroc actuel est saturé de références à la souveraineté économique, à l’instar de ce qu’a donné à voir la gestion du tremblement de terre de septembre 2023. Ce dossier, qui constitue le cœur de ce numéro double, a pour objectif de déconstruire cette notion ambivalente et plurielle. Il vise à mettre en évidence la diversité et la subtilité des enjeux politiques et économiques derrière les revendications toujours plus nombreuses de souveraineté. En abordant la souveraineté par ses modalités, le cas marocain permet de mettre en lumière les lieux d’exercice du pouvoir, les pratiques politiques ordinaires et les représentations de l’économie politique – autrement dit, les fondements économiques du pouvoir. Plus précisément, le dossier s’intéresse aux différentes manières par lesquelles la souveraineté économique est confortée ou revendiquée. Il rassemble des contributions sur les pouvoirs locaux, les trajectoires d’entreprises et d’entrepreneurs, la production et la vente de denrées alimentaires ou de cannabis, ou encore l’activité d’une commission nationale. Toutes éclairent l’importance, la diversité et la contingence des sources de souveraineté, ainsi que les conflits qu’elle suscite.

Le Dossier

  • Souveraineté économique, lieu du politique. Réflexions à partir du cas du Maroc. Nadia Hachimi-Alaoui et Béatrice Hibou
  • Des ambivalences de la souveraineté économique: ce que nous dit la Commission pour un nouveau modèle de développement. Entretien avec Mohamed Tozy. Réalisé par Béatrice Hibou
  • Souveraineté économique et capitalisme de dissidence au Maroc. Jouer les conflits politiques dans la discrétion. Irene Bono
  • Fleurs des champs. L’énonciation politique du cannabis au Maroc. Federico Reginato
  • Comment gouverne-t-on la sécurité alimentaire? Contrôler les prix, un exercice feuilleté de la souveraineté économique. Beatrice Ferlaino
  • L’impossible politique des champions nationaux au Maroc. Souveraineté, imaginaire politique et modes de gouvernement. Béatrice Hibou
  • Économie et souveraineté économique dans les jeux de pouvoir au Maroc. Une analyse à partir des représentants territoriaux. Nadia Hachimi-Alaoui


  • Les entrepreneurs de l’immobilité. Ascensions sociales, participations et contestations dans la lutte contre l’émigration irrégulière en Côte d’Ivoire. Camille Cassarini
  • «Boussan à vie» : une réforme extralégale des terriens autochtones en pays wè (département de Bangolo, Côte d’Ivoire). Tangui Przybylowski


  • Le coup d’État au Niger, entre réformisme civil et conservatisme militaire. Beatrice Bianchi et Bokar Sangaré


  • L’ordre de la transgression. La souveraineté à l’épreuve du temps global, par Patrice Yengo, commenté par Ambroise Kom, Benoit Beucher, Armando Cutolo et Stéphanie Mulot, débat dirigé par Béatrice Hibou et Boris Samuel
  • José Miguel Ribeiro (réalisé par), Film d’animation Nayola (par Chloé Buire)
  • Stéphanie Soubrier, Races guerrières. Enquête sur une catégorie impériale, 1850-1918 (par Vincent Joly)
  • Amrita Pande, Ruchi Chaturvedi et Daya Shari (dir.) *Epistemic Justice and the Postcolonial University* (par Fanny Chabrol)
  • Raymond Silverman, George Abungu et Peter Probst (dir.), National Museums in Africa: Identity, History and Politics (par Marian Nur Goni)

Gender & Development

2023, Vol. 31, Nº 2-3
Decolonising knowledge and practice


  • Introduction: Decolonising (feminist) knowledge and practice Editorial Team
  • 'Yes caste is important, (but)’: examining the knowledge-production assemblage of Dwij-Savarna scholarship as it invisibilises caste in the context of women’s prisons in India Ravikant Kisana & Durga Hole -Challenging invisibilities: a sensorial exploration of gender and caste in waste-work Advaita Rajendra & Ankur Sarin
  • The Resurrection Binsu Susan John
  • Motherhood, disability, and rurality: descolonising practices and knowledge via the Las Quiscas case in Chile Pía Rodríguez-Garrido & Juan Andrés Pino-Morán
  • Deaf cultures: towards decolonisation of body, disability, and deafness Shreeti Shubham
  • Forever fields: studying knowledge practices in the global North: a view from the global South Nithila Kanagasabai
  • Who knows, who writes, and who decolonises? Dialogues about collaborative partnerships of a rural education initiative in post-accord Colombia Natalia Reinoso-Chávez, Laura Fonseca, María Alejandra Fino, Yasleidy Guerrero, Tatiana Muñoz & Carolina Gómez
  • Feminist initiatives in the SWANA region: fighting the patriarchal education with feminist knowledge Reny Iskander
  • Vacant Thuleleni Msomi
  • Decolonising knowledge production: the experience of the Syrian Female Journalists Network (SFJN) Hayma Alyousfi & Rand Sabbagh
  • Perpetually Lost in Translation Sara-Maya
  • A flurry of feminist knowledge production in the SWANA region and the emergence of a robust young intersectional movement Lina Abou-Habib, Carla Akil & Cynthia Chidiac
  • Gender diversity and inclusive representation as a means to decolonise museums Nadine Panayot
  • Women in community-based museums of memory in Colombia. Their struggle for peace building Diana Ordóñez Castillo
  • The archive and the cafezinho: challenging (disembodied) histories by embodied archival experiences at Acervo Bajubá, an LGBT+ community archive in Brazil Yuri Fraccaroli
  • Dancing with decolonial praxis: LBQ women and non-binary people’s subcultures in Lusaka, Zambia Efemia Chela
  • Hanya ada Satu Kata: Lawan! On decolonising and building a mutual collaborative research practice on gender and climate change Katie McQuaid & Desy Ayu Pirmasari
  • Decolonising Southern knowledge(s) in Aidland Katia Taela
  • Disrupting learning and evaluation practices in philanthropy from a feminist lens Clara Desalvo, Shama Dossa & Boikanyo Modungwa
  • Overcoming coloniality in adolescent health programmes: harnessing cultural values and the indigenous roles of grandmothers to promote girls’ holistic development in Senegal Anneke Newman, Judi Aubel & Mamadou Coulibaly
  • Gender knowledge, territorialising the rhizome, and playing with creative methods Andrea Lira, Andrea Barría & Ana Luisa Muñoz-García
  • Indigenous youth and international development: a decolonial analysis of Canada's International Aboriginal Youth Internship programme Lindsay Robinson, Brianna Parent-Long & Lilianna Coyes-Loiselle
  • The messy coloniality of gender and development in Indigenous Wixárika communities Paulina Ultreras Villagrana, Jennie Gamlin & María Teresa Fernández Aceves

Resources Compiled by Anandita Ghosh, Mahima Nayar, and Shivani Satija.

Book Reviews

  • The Force of Witness/Contra Feminicide by Rosa Linda-Fregoso. Deborah Eade
  • Becoming Young Men in a New India: Masculinities, Gender Relations, and Violence in the Postcolony by Shannon Philip. Maya Krishnan
  • Vimukta - Freedom Stories Edited by Dakxin Bajrange and Henry Schwarz. Shweta Goswami
  • Breaking the Silence on NGOs in Africa Edited by Lewis Maghanga and Nicholas Mwangi. Wangui Kimari

Tiempo de Paz

2023, Nº 151
El ascenso de la ultraderecha

La democracia liberal no es la primera vez que vive una crisis profunda en la comunidad internacional. El término Democracia se utiliza en casi todos los regímenes, desde el franquista (democracia orgánica) a los de la órbita de la Antigua Unión Soviética (democracias populares), pasando por otros muchos, en todos los continentes, por lo que esta denominación no siempre tiene el mismo alcance y significado.

  • Presentación. *María José Vicente
  • El orden mundial y los nuevos populismos. Juan JOsé laborda
  • La polarización política contra la paz. Victoria Camps
  • Los conceptos clave de la extrema derecha. David Lerín
  • VOX como espejo: mentalidad distintiva, venta de radicalismo y relativismo moral. David Hernández Corrochano
  • Los derechos humanos y la democracia como hoja de ruta frente a los extremismos. María JOsé Vicente -Administración pública y derechos humanos: una aproximación desde la derecha radical populista. Jorge Crespo
  • Agenda 2023, discpacidad y ultraderecha en España. Pilar Mairal Medina
  • La ultraderecha en Rusia y la simplicaciones para la paz: una mirada hacia el futuro. Eric Pardo
  • La comunicación política como arma de los nuevos extremismos. Cristina Valera y Enrique Samer Vargas
  • Suecia: un modelo a no seguir. Carlos Losa
  • La juventud ante la extrema derecha. Verónica Díaz
  • Factores explicativos del crecimeinto de la ultraderecha en Turquía. Carmen Rodríguez López
  • Javier Milei en la Casa Rosada: las causas de su fulgurante ascenso. Ismael García Ávalos
  • América Latina y las derechas: reflexiones en un largo períoso. Castor Díaz Barrado
  • ¿Supone la extrema derecha una amenaza a los derechos humanos y a los valores en la actualidad? Segundo Valmorisco Pizarro

Ecología Política. Cuadernos de Debate Internacional

2024, Nº 66
Crisis ecológica y pérdida de biodiversidad

Este número de Ecología Política pone el foco en la pérdida de biodiversidad, abordando muchas de sus ramificaciones. «Crisis ecológica y pérdida de biodiversidad» analiza desde cómo incorporar a las comunidades indígenas y el mundo rural en la expansión de áreas protegidas, hasta la amenaza de la bioingeniería, pasando por la denuncia de los mecanismos de compensación y un sistema agroalimentario responsable de la mayoría de la pérdida de biodiversidad global.


  • La negligente desatención a la crisis de biodiversidad Fernando Valladares
  • Transformaciones socioeconómicas profundas para proteger la salud y biodiversidad Jaume Grau y Jesús Martín
  • Mojarse para combatir la pérdida de biodiversidad marina Cecilia del Castillo


  • Defensa territorial de la biodiversidad por pueblos indígenas en América Latina: vías legales y espacialidades alternativas Tlacaelel Rivera-Núñez y Elizabeth Castro-Salcido
  • ¿De quién es y quién decide sobre la biodiversidad? Un análisis crítico del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica Anne Tittor, Eduardo Relly y Maria Backhouse
  • Insectos, biodiversidad amenazada en un mundo cambiante Eduardo Galante
  • La financiación de la conservación de los bosques no debe realizarse mediante compensaciones de biodiversidad Davi de Souza Martins


  • Autodegradación: el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica y su nuevo Marco Mundial de Biodiversidad S. Faizi
  • Protección ambiental antártica: limitaciones y desafíos del sistema de áreas protegidas Martín Andrés Díaz
  • Debates entre biología de la conservación y ecología política en un área protegida de Mendoza, Argentina Camilo Arcos, Pehuén Barzola Elizagaray, Ofelia Agoglia y Juan Alvarez
  • Políticas de conservación de la biodiversidad e inclusión de las comunidades en las áreas naturales protegidas de México Nancy Arzipe, Adan Peña Fuente y José Feliciano González Jiménez
  • El comercio entre la Unión Europea y el Mercosur arrasa con la biodiversidad Tom Kucharz
  • Biorregiones: espacios para la vida y para la diversidad de la vida Nerea Morán Alonso y José Luis Fernández Casadevante
  • ¿Exterminio de especies para salvar la biodiversidad? Jordi López Ortega


  • Contrahegemonía y biodiversidad: las consultas populares en el Ecuador Jorge Enrique Forero y Alex Samaniego
  • Implicancias de la movilización ambientalista en la conservación y gestión de cangrejales de marisma en Uruguay Estela Delgado


  • Entrevista a Unai Pascual Joan Martínez Alier
  • Entrevista a Patricia Balvanera Joan Martínez Alier
  • Entrevista a Paola Arias Joan Martínez Alier


  • Naturalezas neoliberales: conflictos en torno al extractivismo urbano-inmobiliario Laura Herrera

Community Development Journal

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 1


  • Living our values in research and practice Kirsty Lohman and Ruth Pearce


  • Why focusing on our strengths matters: reflections on leaving a volunteer role I actually liked Kristen Lyons


  • Reflecting on community development research: how peer researchers influence and shape community action projects Elaine Arnull and Mahuya Kanjilal
  • An evidence cycle framework for community development initiatives Geoffrey R Browne
  • ‘Come as you are’: place attachment to Islamic third spaces in the United States Hassnaa Mohammed
  • Collective impact: lessons from the American democratic tradition Hannah W Stewart-Gambino
  • Overcoming barriers to social inclusion in agricultural intensification: reflections on a transdisciplinary community development project from India and Bangladesh Christian H Roth and others
  • Learning to work in certain ways: bureaucratic literacies and community-based volunteering in the Philippines Chris Millora


  • The significance of plus-development through sport: the practices and neoliberal politics of attracting participants to corporate sport-for-development Daniel Eisenkraft Klein and Simon Darnell
  • Community reinvestment challenges in the age of gentrification: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a case study for wide bank lending disparities Daniel Holland and Gregory D Squires
  • Constructive resilience in response to oppression: the strategy of Bahá’ís in Iran Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian
  • Empowering practices in education-focused coalitions: an examination using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis Joshua-Paul Miles and others


  • Hazard Mitigation Training for Vulnerable Communities: A K.A.P.S. (Knowledge, Attitude, Preparedness, Skills) Chinmayee Mishra
  • Abortion and Democracy: Contentious Body Politics in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay Amanda-Rose O’Halloran


  • Corrigendum to: Decolonizing social services through community development: an Anishinaabe experience Mamaweswen Niigaaniin and others

Economía Mundial

2023, Nº 65


  • Editorial Manuela A. De Paz-Báñez y María José Asensio Coto

Sección General

  • Los problemas de solvencia de las entidades bancarias continúan. Evolución de los Activos Ponderados por Riesgo en las entidades bancarias españolas. Carlos Sánchez Mato, Eduardo Garzón Espinosa y Bibiana Medialdea García
  • El papel de los líderes comunitarios en los programas de microcrédito para emprendedores inmigrantes. Yessica Belén Abularach Mendoza, José Fernández-Serrano y María Inmaculada Jaén
  • Modleos de crecimeinto financiarizado como alternativa a las variedades de capitalismo: (in)estabilidad, instituciones y método taxonómico. Juan Barredo-Zurriarain, Jon Las Heras Cuenca y Carlos Rodríguez González
  • Comercio entre China y América Latina: tratados de libre comercio y alianzas estratégicas. Jorge A. López Arévalo y Jorge E. López Bencomo
  • La reducción de la brecha de género en clave de cadenas globales de valor: ¿apuesta política o perpetuación de los roles de género? Hugo Campos-Romero y Bruno Blanco-Varela
  • Análisis Temático y conceptual de la Revista de Economía Mundial usando Scimat. Êncarnación Moral-Pajares, Manuel Jesús Cobo-Martín, Ángela Andrea Caviedes Conde y Leticia Gallego Valero.
  • El trabajo en un mundo en transición hacia un nuevo orden mundial. Santos M. Ruesga Benito

Nueva Sociedad. Democracia y política en América Latina

2024, Nº 309
¿De la utopía a la distopía?

Hoy tenemos distopías para todos los gustos ideológicos, mientras el futuro parece cancelado como territorio de imaginación de un mundo mejor. En este contexto de «realismo capitalista», volver sobre la utopía –y sobre la posibilidad misma de imaginar futuros deseables– parece una condición para cualquier rearme ideológico progresista. Y a ello se dedica el Tema Central de este número de Nueva Sociedad.

Puedes consultar el índice y leer parte del contenido siguiendo este enlace.

Economía Mundial

2023, Nº 64


  • Editorial María José Asensio Coto

Sección General

  • Desigualdad intrapís y participación en las cadenas de valor mundiales: el caso de la UE-28. Rosa Duarte, Adrián Espinsoa-Gracia, Sofía Jiménez y Julio Sánchez-Chóliz
  • Despoblación de las regiones de bajos ingresos de la UE: ¿puede la digitalización a través del acceso de banda ancha reducirlo? Anna Garashchuk, Fernando Isla Castillo y Pablo Podadera Rivera
  • El efecto de la movilidad oriente-occidental en la UE sobre el desarrollo económico. Ramona Pirvu, Sorin Tudor, Elena Jianu, Alina Georgiana Holt, Roxana Badircea y Flavia Andreea Murtaza
  • Indicadores multidimensionales de la calidad de vida en los países de la UE. Cambios en las ponderaciones. María-Carmen Sánchez-Sellero, Beatriz García-Carro y Elena Fernández-Sánchez
  • ¿Cómo afectó la crisis económica de 2008 a los temas de investigación de los bancos centrales? El caso de los asociados y colaboradores del CEMLA. María Luisa Lascurain-Sánchez, Núria Bautista-Puig, Elena López de la Fuente, Elías Sanz-Casado

Tiempo de Paz

2023, Nº 150
Un mundo en transición

Han pasado más de setenta años y el mundo de ayer, en expresión del célebre Zweig, parece sobrepasado por los nuevos vientos que soplan desde el sur global, los BRICS, China, Rusia y otros países ya emergidos, que reclaman tácita o expresamente, un nuevo rol en las relaciones internacionales y cambios en las instituciones mundiales. Afrontar desafíos como el cambio climático, la pandemia, los conflictos (como el de Gaza, o el de Ucrania), los derechos humanos, la economía etc..requieren de transformaciones institucionales y normativas.

  • Presentación. Emilio Menéndez Del Valle
  • Multipolaridad sin multilateralismo. Josep Borrell
  • El futuro de las Naciones Unidas frente a la reconfiguración del orden global Anna Ayuso
  • La dinámica de la sociedad internacional. El papel del G20. Enrique Viguera
  • India y el Sur Global. C.Raja Mohan
  • El Indo-Pacífico, eje fundamental de la geopolítica del sigo XXI. Juan Manuel López Nadal
  • La federación rusa, promotora y víctima de un mundo inseguro- Enrique Gomáriz
  • El horizonte de la guerra de Ucrania. ANa Isabel García
  • La otra división del mundo. Carlos Revilla
  • Las perspectivas de la economía mundial. José Moisés Martín Carretero
  • El calentamiento global, amenaza a la paz y seguridad internacionales. Emilio Menéndez Del Valle
  • Futuro menguante. José María Ridao
  • El derecho a la alimentación y al agua en Palestina. Juan Echanove
  • El derecho internacional humanitario: límites en tiempos de guerra. Carlos Batallas
  • De cómo el Ártico ha dejado de ser periferia y se ha convertido en centro geopolítico. Ana Manero
  • El cambiante perfil de la geopolítica. K.M. Seethi
  • La igualdad de género en un orden internacional en cambio. María Solanas



Revista internacional editada por OXFAM Gran Bretaña y Routledge. Dedicada al análisis e investigaciones que se basan en la práctica en torno a la dimensión social del desarrollo y la ayuda humanitaria, y, además, brinda un foro mundial de debate e intercambio de ideas entre profesionales, académicas/os y políticos/as, incluyendo a activistas y ONGD. Al cuestionar las premisas reinantes, la revista busca fomentar ideas y prácticas nuevas. En Hegoa se pueden consultar los ejemplares publicados desde 1993. Disponibles resúmenes aquí.

Última entrega

  • One size does not fit all: choosing methods to inform area development. Graham Sherbut & Nazneen Kanji
  • Improved learning for greater effectiveness in development NGOs. Barry Whatley
  • Configuring ‘country ownership’: patterns of donor-recipient relations. Anne L. Buffardi
  • Working from strengths to assess changes in gender equality. Juliet Willetts, Naomi Carrard, Joanne Crawford, Claire Rowland & Gabrielle Halcrow
  • Education for all, education for whom, education for what? Lessons from Mali. Jaimie Bleck & Boubacar Mody Guindo
  • Grassroots civil society at crossroads: staying on the path to independence or turning onto the UK Government's route to localism? Andri Soteri-Proctor, Jenny Phillimore & Angus McCabe
  • Vinya wa Aka: an expanded microcredit model for community development. Monique Hennink, Carolyn Kulb & Ndunge Kiiti
  • The potential of evaluation to promote sustainable development in Russian forest management. Ksenia Gerasimova
  • In the name of ‘underdeveloped’ Adibashi: the politics of NGOs and the Munda in Bangladesh. Shaila Sharmeen
  • ‘Cracking collaboration’ between NGOs and academics in development research. Daniel Stevens, Rachel Hayman & Anna Mdee
  • Civil society and trust building in Cyprus. Norman Gillespie, Vasiliki Georgiou & Sevinc Insay
2013, Vol. 23, Nº 7
  • “They don't garden here”: NGO constructions of Maya gardening practices in Belize. Douglas C. Reeser
  • Contextualising development projects among the San of Botswana: challenges of community gardening. Kirstie Cadger & Thembela Kepe
  • Understanding quality in services supporting women survivors of gender-based violence. Michaela Raab & Jasmin Rocha
  • How do international development agencies approach peacebuilding in a sub-national conflict? Adam Burke
  • Defying “the pervasive bias” against African smallholders: identifying entry points for institutional change. Samuel Adjei-Nsiah, Richard Adu-Acheampong, Kofi Debrah, Fadiala Dembele, Soumanou Lassine, Bara Ouologuem, Aliou Saidu, Pierre Vissoh & Elizabeth Zannou
  • The success of Afghan NGOs. Paolo Novak
  • Pro-poor development performance of livestock projects: analysis and lessons from projects' documentation. Francis Wanyoike & Derek Baker
  • Effects of neoliberal adjustments on government-funded international volunteer cooperation organisations. Benjamin J. Lough & Cliff Allum
  • Community grain banks and food security of the tribal poor in India. Edakkandi Meethal Reji
  • The impact of community-based capital cash transfers on orphan schooling in Kenya. Morton Skovdal, Albert Webale, Winnie Mwasiaji & Andrew Tomkins
2013, Vol. 23, Nº 5 y 6
Civil societies at crossroads: eruptions, initiatives, and evolution in citizen activism
  • Civil societies at crossroads: eruptions, initiatives, and evolution in citizen activism. Rajesh Tandon & L. David Brown
  • Struggles for systems that nourish: southern Africa civil society contributions and challenges to the creation of flourishing societies. Mutizwa Mukute & James Taylor
  • Struggles against systems that impoverish: South African civil society at the crossroads. James Taylor
  • Kampala city traders (KACITA) strike for action. Jackline Kabahinda
  • Civil society at multiple crossroads in Asia. Kaustuv Kanti Bandyopadhyay
  • Civil society in changing India: emerging roles, relationships, and strategies. Debika Goswami & Rajesh Tandon
  • Changing civil society in Cambodia: in search of relevance. Kaustuv Kanti Bandyopadhyay & Thida C. Khus
  • Is civil society in the Southern Cone of Latin America at a crossroad? Anabel Cruz
  • Protest and proposal, participation and representation: the Chilean student movement, 2011–12. Inés M. Pousadela
  • From embarrassing objects to subjects of rights: the Argentine LGBT movement and the Equal Marriage and Gender Identity laws. Inés M. Pousadela
  • The emergence and re-emergence of civil society: a brief history of civil society in Europe, from the Magna Carta to the Eurozone crisis. Brian Pratt & Rowan Popplewell
  • Occupy London as pre-figurative political action. Neil Howard & Keira Pratt-Boyden
  • Dutch civil society at crossroads. Rik Habraken, Lucas Meijs, Lau Schulpen & Cristien Temmink
  • Treading new ground: a changing moment for citizen action in Greece. Maro Pantazidou
  • Russian civil society: background, current, and future prospects. Charles Buxton & Evgenia Konovalov
  • Civil societies at crossroads: lessons and implications. Rajesh Tandon & L. David Brown
2013, Vol. 23, Nº 4
  • Reflexive engagements: the international development blogging evolution and its challenges. Tobias Denskus & Andrea S. Papan
  • Revisiting child sponsorship programmes. Willem van Eekelen
  • Community collaboration in development work with young people: perspectives from Zambian communities. Iain Lindsey
  • “SMART” Photovoice agricultural consultation: increasing Rwandan women farmers' active participation in development. Myriam Gervais & Lysanne Rivard
  • “I'd like to participate, but . . .”: women farmers' scepticism towards agricultural extension/education programmes. Chrysanthi Charatsari, Majda Černič Istenič & Evagelos D. Lioutas
  • Autonomy and policy independence in Africa: a review of NGO development challenges. Sylvia Bawa
  • Developing participatory communication: a case study using semi-structured interviews in Samoa. John Schischka
  • Participatory communication for development in practice: the case of community media. Víctor Manuel Marí Sáez
  • Teachers as social capital agents: an exploratory study from Brazil. Tamo Chattopadhay
  • Local risk perceptions to identify institutional and development planning needs. Muhammad Asif Kamran & Ganesh P. Shivakoti
2013, Vol. 23, Nº 3
  • Dynamics of multi-local gifts: practices of humanitarian giving in post-tsunami Sri Lanka. Pia Hollenbach
  • Livelihood improvement and smallholder beekeeping in Kenya: the unrealised potential. Thomas Carroll & Jim Kinsella
  • Assessing food insecurity in Botswana: the case of Gaborone. Alexander Fomin Legwegoh & Alice J. Hovorka
  • Charcoal production and strategies to enhance its sustainability in Kenya. Mary Njenga, Nancy Karanja, Cristel Munster, Miyuki Iiyama, Henry Neufeldt, Jacob Kithinji & Ramni Jamnadass
  • Dependency on natural resources: post-conflict challenges for livelihoods security and environmental sustainability in Goma, The Democratic Republic of Congo. Tata Precillia Ijang & Cleto Ndikumagenge
  • Fair enough? Fair Trade and the quality of life amongst Bolivia's indigenous women artisans. Tamara Stenn
  • Social security for rural widows in Rajasthan: an empirical study. Subrata Dutta
  • The challenges and prospects of the school feeding programme in Northern Ghana. Mohammed Sulemana, Ibrahim Ngah & M. Rafee Majid
  • Education in the Commonwealth Caribbean: findings from a national adult literacy programme. Bipasha Baruah
2013, Vol. 23, Nº 2
  • “Nobody helps us”: insights from ultra-poor Bangladeshi women on being beyond reach. Lynn McIntyre & Jenny Munro
  • Cultivated, caught, and collected: defining culturally appropriate foods in Tallé, Niger. Alexandra M. Towns, Daniel Potter & Sadou Idrissa
  • Toilet is not a dirty word: close to meeting the MDGs for sanitation? Frank S. Arku, Emmanuel N. Angmor & John-Engelbert Seddoh
  • Community health workers – motivation and incentives. Gabrielle Appleford
  • Are healthier people happier? Evidence from Chile and Uruguay. Mariana Gerstenblüth & Máximo Rossi
  • The making and unmaking of community-based water supplies in Manila. Petr Matous
  • Rural development and migration in Mexico. Andrew Wainer
  • Evolution of input supply and service hubs in dairy development at Ada'a milk shed in Ethiopia. Moti Jaleta, Berhanu Gebremedhin, Azage Tegegne, Samson Jemaneh, Tesfaye Lemma & Dirk Hoekstra
  • Fostering rural sense of place: the missing piece in Uturu, Nigeria. Uchendu Eugene Chigbu
  • The global financial crisis and self-help groups in rural India: are there lessons from their micro savings model? Meera Tiwari
2013, Vol. 23, Nº 1
  • From philanthropy to corporate social responsibility in Guatemala: assessing shifts through Alianzas. Gary Bland & Anna Wetterberg
  • Spoiling the situation: reflections on the development and research field. Tanya Jakimow
  • Evaluation of Dutch support to capacity development. Piet de Lange
  • Cordaid's experience with impact evaluation. Francois Lenfant & Rens Rutten
  • Time poverty, gender and well-being: lessons from the Kyrgyz Swiss Swedish Health Programme. Julian Walker
  • Reaching beyond the health post: Community-based surveillance for polio eradication. Dora Curry, Filimona Bisrat, Ellen Coates & Penny Altman
  • Fertility differential by husbands' occupational status and income in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand, India. Ayesha Jamal & Farasat A. Siddiqui
  • Using participatory impact diagrams to evaluate a community development project in Kenya. Juliet Kariuki & Jemimah Njuki
  • Are women self-help group members economically more empowered in left-run municipalities? Zakir Husain, Diganta Mukerjee & Mousumi Dutta
  • The discourse of “development” and why the concept should be abandoned. Aram Ziai
  • Improving NGO governance: practical applications of the GATE approach. Alan Fowler
  • Exploring strengths-based approaches in the design of a family planning project in Kenya. Gabrielle Appleford
2012, Vol. 22, Nº 8
  • Shrinking operational space of NGOs – a framework of analysis. Chris van der Borgh, y Carolijn Terwindt
  • An investigation into the training of community development workers within South Africa. Peter Westoby y Rubertvan Blerk
  • Establishing cooperatives for effective community development in rural China. David Bromwich y Max Saunders
  • From paternalism to participation: the motivations and understandings of the “developers”. Hannah Green
  • Collective action and promotion of forest based associations on non-wood forest products in Cameroon. William Armand Mala, Julius Chupezi Tieguhong, Ousseynou Ndoye, Sophie Grouwels y Jean Lagarde Betti
  • Beyond access to water. Franklin Obeng-Odoom
2012, Vol. 22, Nº 7
  • Fostering “Why not?” social initiatives – beyond business and governments. Henry Mintzberg & Guilherme Azevedo
  • Learning for capacity development: a holistic approach to sustained organisational change. Phum Thol, Sim Chankiriroth, Dennis Barbian & Graeme Storer
  • Immersion for organisational learning in Tanzania. Rinus van Klinken
  • Debt-for-development exchanges in Australia: past, present and future. Luke Fletcher & Adele Webb
  • Reforming accountability in international NGOs: making sense of conflicting feedback. Thomas W. D. Davis, Kate Macdonald & Scott Brenton
  • Do organisational forms of the coffee supply chain matter in poverty reduction? Abdoul Murekezi, Songqing Jin & Scott Loveridge
  • Cost effectiveness of seed fairs relative to direct relief distribution in Zimbabwe. Kizito Mazvimavi, Tarisayi Pedzisa, Conrad Murendo, Isaac J. Minde & Patrick V. Ndlovu
  • The banking sector intervention in the microfinance world: a study of bankers' perception and outreach to rural microfinance in India with special reference to the state of Punjab. Sangeeta Arora & Meenu
  • “Your kool-aid is not my kool-aid”: ideologies on microfinance within an INGO culture. Payal Arora
  • Impact assessment in the Sustainable Livelihood Framework. Fédes van Rijn, Kees Burger & Eefje den Belder
  • Taking research where the practice is: a tale of two programmes from BRAC. Syed Masud Ahmed
  • To what extent does social policy design address social problems? Evidence from the “70 y más” programme in Mexico. Jesus Gastelum Lage
2012, Vol. 22, Nº 5 y 6
Religion and Development
  • Religion and development: subjecting religious perceptions and organisations to scrutiny. Carole Rakodi
  • A framework for analysing the links between religion and development. Carole Rakodi
  • The life a person lives: religion, well-being and development in India. Sarah C. White, Joseph Devine & Shreya Jha
  • Pentecostalism and development in Kibera informal settlement, Nairobi. Gregory Deacon
  • Religious values and beliefs and education for women in Pakistan. Tamsin Bradley & Rubina Saigol
  • Thinking about faith-based organisations in development: where have we got to and what next Emma Tomalin
  • Are faith-based organisations distinctive? Comparing religious and secular NGOs in Nigeria. Robert Leurs
  • Faith in forms: civil society evangelism and development in Tanzania. Maia Green, Claire Mercer & Simeon Mesaki
  • The role of religious values and beliefs in charitable and development organisations in Karachi and Sindh, Pakistan. Nida Kirmani
  • The role of a transnational religious network in development in a weak state: the international links of the Episcopal Church of Sudan. Nancy T. Kinney
  • Trajectories of transnational Muslim NGOs. Marie Juul Petersen
  • Givers and governance: the potential of faith-based development in the Asia Pacific. Alec Thornton, Minako Sakai & Graham Hassall
  • Strengthening the voice of the poor: religious organisations' engagement in policy consultation processes in Nigeria and Tanzania. Michael Taylor
  • The role of religion in women's campaigns for legal reform in Nigeria. Fatima L. Adamu & Oluwafunmilayo J. Para-Mallam
  • Playing broken telephone: assessing faith-inspired health care provision in Africa. Jill Olivier & Quentin Wodon
  • Have financial difficulties compromised Christian health services' commitment to the poor? Peter Rookes & Jean Rookes
  • Pro-poor? Class, gender, power, and authority in faith-based education in Maharashtra, India. Martin Rew & Zara Bhatewara
  • Practising Buddhism in a development context: Sri Lanka's Sarvódaya movement. Chandima Daskon & Tony Binns
  • Islam and development practice: HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Logan Cochrane & Suraiya Nawab
  • Addressing dependency with faith and hope: the Eagles Relief and Development Programme of the Living Waters church in Malawi. Rick James
2012, Vol. 22, Nº 4
Child Protection in Development
  • Introduction: development, children, and protection. William Myers & Michael Bourdillon
  • Beyond war: ‘suffering’ among displaced Congolese children in Dar es Salaam. Gillian Mann
  • Protecting children from trafficking in Benin: in need of politics and participation. Neil Howard
  • The spatialisation of child protection: notes from the occupied Palestinian territory. Jason Hart
  • Following the law, but losing the spirit of child protection in Kenya. Elizabeth Cooper
  • Children's migration for work in Bangladesh: the policy implications of intra-household relations. Karin Heissler
  • Child protection and harmful traditional practices: female early marriage and genital modification in Ethiopia. Jo Boyden, Alula Pankhurst & Yisak Tafere
  • Global priorities against local context: protecting Bhutanese refugee children in Nepal. Rosalind Evans & Rachel Mayer
  • Rethinking orphanhood and vulnerability in Ethiopia. Gina Crivello & Nardos Chuta
  • Children's responses to risk in agricultural work in Andhra Pradesh, India. Virginia Morrow & Uma Vennam
  • ‘Risky lives’: risk and protection for children growing-up in poverty. Kirrily Pells
  • Action research exploring information communication technologies (ICT) and child protection in Thailand. Philip H. Cook, Cheryl Heykoop, Athapol Anuntavoraskul & Jutarat Vibulphol
  • Child protection: a role for conditional cash transfer programmes? Natalia Streuli
  • Listening to Iraqi refugee children in Jordan, but then what? Exploring the impact of participatory research with children. Martha Nelems & Vanessa Currie
  • Concluding reflections: how might we really protect children? William Myers & Michael Bourdillon
2012, Vol. 22, Nº 3
  • Addressing challenges of social assistance schemes: rights-based approach in Orissa, India. Dipankar Datta & Sisir Kanta Pradhan
  • Donors, beneficiaries, or NGOs: whose needs come first? A dilemma in Afghanistan. Roya Rahmani
  • Measuring development results: lessons from Ethiopia. Getachew Mequanent
  • The evaluation practices of US international NGOs. Jiyoung Kang, Steven G. Anderson & Dan Finnegan
  • Designing food security projects: Kapchorwa and Bukwo, Uganda. Francis Alinyo & Terry Leahy
  • Managing interactions in the informal water market: the case of Kisumu, Kenya. Gerryshom Munala & Harald Kainz
  • Educating the (neo-liberal) citizen: reflections from India. Arun Kumar
  • Passing on the gift as an approach to sustainable development programmes. James De Vries
  • Mechanisms and instruments of sustainable development. Hadi Veisi, Humman Liaghati, Fakhradin Hashmi & Khalid Edizadehi
  • More practical lessons from five projects on disability-inclusive development. Sue Coe
  • Rethinking risk in development projects: from management to resilience. Kent Schroeder & Michael Hatton
  • Practical innovations for strengthening Community-Led Total Sanitation: selected experience from Asia. Carmen da Silva Wells & Christine Sijbesma
2012, Vol. 22, Nº 2
  • Programmes for the promotion of home herbal gardens: what challenges ahead? Maria Costanza Torri
  • A rural support programme exit strategy: women filling vacated spaces and excelling in community development. Shaheen Rafi Khan & Shahrukh Rafi Khan
  • Gender, health, and Fairtrade: insights from a research-action programme in Nicaragua. Lori Hanson, Vincent Terstappen, Christopher M. Bacon, Jannie Leung, Alejandra Ganem-Cuenca, Sandro Raúl Díaz Flores & María Asunción Meza Rojas
  • Is the doctor on? In search of users for medical software in rural Himalayas. Payal Arora
  • Signs speak as loud as words: deaf empowerment in Namibia. Davíð Bjarnason, Valgerður Stefánsdóttir & Lizette Beukes
  • Defining empowerment: perspectives from international development organisations. Monique Hennink, Ndunge Kiiti, Mara Pillinger & Ravi Jayakaran
  • Variables affecting fieldworkers of NGOs in Pakistan. Muhammad Haroon Siddique & Mokbul Morshed Ahmad
  • Advocacy communication for peacebuilding. Jan Servaes & Patchanee Malikhao
  • Coping with participation in small island states: the case of aid in Tuvalu. Nicki Wrighton & John Overton
  • Voices from the field: optimising performance for humanitarian workers. Jared Katz, Déborah Nguyen, Carla Lacerda & Gerald Daly
  • Effectiveness of 3MTM PetrifilmTM as a teaching tool in rural Mali. Matthew D. Seib, Katherine C. Arnold & Blair Orr
2012, Vol. 22, Nº 1
  • Farmer field schools for integrated watershed management. Craig Thorburn
  • Sustainability testing for development projects. Jan Servaes, Emily Polk, Song Shi, Danielle Reilly & Thanu Yakupitijage
  • Why do indigenous municipalities in Mexico have worse piped water coverage? Marcela González Rivas
  • Volunteering in the developing world: the perceived impacts of Canadian youth. Rebecca Tiessen & Barbara Heron
  • Decentralisation and delivery of urban basic services: the West Bengal experience. Soumyadip Chattopadhyay
  • Unintended consequences of development interventions: a case of diarrhoeal diseases, Ruhiira, Uganda. Shai A. Divon & Cassandra E. Bergstrøm
  • Cooperation in aquaculture rehabilitation and development in Aceh, Indonesia. Michael A. Rimmer, Michael J. Phillips, P. Arun Padiyar, Coco Kokarkin, Sugeng Raharjo, Samsul Bahrawi & Cut Desyana
  • Planning and implementation of a community-based approach to reintegration programmes of ex-combatants. Victor Asiedu
  • Beating storms and droughts: the Erdenedalai weather network in the Mongolian Gobi. Wang Xiaoli & Ronnie Vernooy
  • Child welfare and the UNHCR: a case for pre-resettlement refugee parenting education. Nombasa Williams
  • NGOs and Western hegemony: causes for concern and ideas for change. Glen W. Wright
2011, Vol. 21, Nº 8
  • Integrating learning into organisational capacity development of Cambodian NGOs. Jenny Pearson
  • Post-Soviet universities as development in practice: local experience and global lessons. Norma-Jo Baker
  • Social Network Analysis to evaluate organisational networks on sexual health and rights. Roger Drew, Peter Aggleton, Paul Boyce, Helen Chalmers, Clare Maxwell, Saroj Pachauri, Felicity Thomas, Ian Warwick & Kate Wood
  • HIV/AIDS prevention: building on community strengths in Ajegunle, Lagos. Christian Iyiani, Tony Binns & Pat Shannon
  • Youth organisations as learning organisations: exploring special contributions and challenges. Celina Del Felice & Lillian Solheim
  • Youth organisations as learning organisations: exploring special contributions and challenges. Celina Del Felice & Lillian Solheim
  • Women's economic empowerment through microfinance in Cambodia. Daraka Chhay
  • Innovation in forage development: empirical evidence from Alaba Special District, southern Ethiopia. Abebe Shiferaw, Ranjitha Puskur, Azage Tegegne & Dirk Hoekstra
  • Dynamics of remittance practices and development: Bangladeshi overseas migrants. A. K.M. Ahsan Ullah
  • Towards ethically sound participatory research with marginalised populations: experiences from India. K. S. Mohindra, D. Narayana & Slim Haddad
2011, Vol. 21, Nº 7
  • How to strengthen the development effectiveness of local purchase for food aid. Ruud Bronkhorst
  • NGOs and post-violence community development: holistic, multi-track ventures in Afghanistan. Chuck Thiessen
  • Competitiveness and decent work in Global Value Chains: substitutionary or complementary? Kenta Goto
  • Motivation in humanitarian health workers: a self-determination theory perspective. Natasha Tassell & Ross Flett
  • Identity and learning in international volunteerism: ‘Sport for Development and Peace’ internships. Simon C. Darnell
  • Revisiting the Paris Declaration Agenda – an inclusive, realistic orientation for aid effectiveness. Masumi Owa
  • Mainstreaming globalisation in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers in the Asia-Pacific region. Jeet Bahadur Sapkota
  • Making aid effective at the community level: the AMREF experience. David Ojakaa, Elizabeth Okoth, Sam Wangila, Meshack Ndirangu, Naomi Mwangi & Festus Ilako
  • Teaching Amina to read. Aarthi Rao
2011, Vol. 21, Nº 6


  • Corporate social responsibility performance in the Niger Delta: beyond two constitutive orthodoxies. Kiikpoye K. Aaron
  • A comparative analysis of microfinance and conditional cash transfers in Latin America. Ana Pantelić
  • Attitude counts: engaging with rice farmers in West Africa. Paul Van Mele, Jeffery W. Bentley, Rosaline Maiga Dacko, Kalifa Yattara y George K. Acheampong
  • Digital technology uses for sustainable management of natural resources in multicultural contexts. Oscar A. Forero
  • Transdisciplinary innovation research in Uzbekistan – one year of ‘Follow-the-Innovation’. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Mehmood Ul Hassan y Peter P. Mollinga
  • Physically disabled women's creditworthiness in Village Development Fund: evidence from Thailand. Theeraphong Bualar


  • Development for whom? Homosexuality and faith-based development in Zimbabwe. Jonathan Connor
  • A framework for understanding civil society in action. John Beauclerk
  • Microfinance in online space: a visual analysis of Venkataramana Gajjala, Radhika Gajjala, Anca Birzescu y Samara Anarbaeva


  • Papua International Biodiversity Conference: banking on the social capital (Conference report of the International Biodiversity Conference for Sustainable Development in Papua Land, Jayapura, 11–15 November 2009). Mochamad Indrawan, Noak Kapisa y Agustinus Rumansara
2011, Vol. 21, Nº 4 & 5
Global food-price shocks and poor people: themes and case studies.


  • Subsistence farming as a safety net for food-price shocks.
  • Understanding and responding to the links between conflict and hunger.
  • Gender and the global food-prices crisis.
  • The links between food security and seed security: facts and fiction that guide response.
  • Genetically modified crops and the "food crisis": discourse and material impacts.
  • The long-term implictions of the 2007-08 commodity-price boom.
  • Which instruments best tackle food price instability in developing countries?
  • Bearing risk is hard to do: crop price risk transfer for poor farmers and low-income countries.


  • The Mexican tortilla crisis of 2007: the impacts of grain-price increases on food-production chains.
  • Food crisis, small-scale farmers, and markets in the Andes.
  • The effects of changing food prices on welfare and poverty in Guatemala.
  • Location, vocation, and price shocks: cotton, rice and sorghum-millet farmers in Mali.
  • Lessons from the 2008 global food-crisis: agro-food dynamics in Mali.
  • Characteristics and strategies favouring sustained food access during Guinea's food-price crisis.

Artículos sobre: Ethiopia, South Africa, Tanzania, Egypt, China, West Bengal, Indonesia, Philippines, Central Asia, USSR

  • Thinking and acting outside the charitable food box: hunger and the right to food in rich societies.
2011, Vol. 21, Nº 3
  • Palestinian youth and non-formal service-learning: a model for personal development, long-term engagement, and peace building.
  • Problematising the community-contribution requirements in participatory projects: evidence from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Working with children as stakeholders in development: the challenges of organisational change. Index-based livestock insurance for Kenyan pastoralists: an innovation systems perspective.
  • Connecting smallholders with dynamc markets: a market information service in Zambia.
  • Women's benefits from agricultural technologies: evidence from poultry production among Nigerian fisherfolk.
  • Gender mainstreaming in organisational culture and agricultural research processes.
  • No visible difference: a women's empowerment process in a Cambodian NGO.
  • Gender, energy, and empowerment: a case study of the Rural Energy Development Program in Nepal.
  • Agricultural cooperatives and social empowerment of women: a Ugandan case study.
  • Monitoring gendered outcomes of environmental and development policies.
2011, Vol. 21, Nº 2
  • The potential of Corporate Social Responsibility to eradicate poverty: An ongoing debate.
  • Critical evaluation of planning frameworks for rural water and sanitation development projects.
  • Capacity building or adaptive management: A problem-based learning approach.
  • A confluence of Fair Trade and organic agriculture in southern India.
  • Good intentionsare not enough: French NGO efforts at democracy building in Cameroon.
  • The dynamics of contemporary local-government policies and economic development in West Papua.
  • Corruption, human-rights violation, and the interface with violence in the Niger Delta.
  • The role of local institutions in sustainable watershed management: lessons from India.
  • What determines poverty transition? An investigation of women livestock
2011, Vol. 21, Nº 1
  • Churches, mosques, and condoms: Understanding succesful HIV and AIDS interventions by faith-based organisations.
  • Why is development work so straight? Heteronormativity in the international development industry.
  • The roles of, and relationships between, expatriates, volunteers, and local development workers.
  • Why can´t development be managed more like a funeral? Challenging participatory practices.
  • "Humanicrats": The social production of compassion, indifference, and hostility in long-term camps.
  • The problem of gender quotas: Women´s representatives on Timor-Leste´s suku councils.
  • Analysing cultural proximity: Islamic relief worldwide and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
  • Handle with care: Engaging with faith-based organisations in development.