Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas

Nueva Sociedad. Democracia y política en América Latina

2024, Nº 310
Algo va mal: nuevos desórdenes globales

«¿Por qué nos hemos apresurado tanto en derribar los diques que laboriosamente levantaron nuestros predecesores? ¿Tan seguros estamos de que no se avecinan inundaciones?», se preguntaba en 2010 el pensador británico Tony Judt en un libro balance cuya traducción española fue titulada Algo va mal. Hoy podemos mantener esta constatación –las inundaciones ya están entre nosotros– al examinar varias dimensiones globales del presente, en el contexto de lo que algunos han denominado el «retorno de la geopolítica».

Puedes consultar el índice y leer parte del contenido siguiendo este enlace.

Alternatives Humanitaires / Humanitarian Alternatives

2024, Nº 25
Crises Alimentaires/ Food Crises

Over the past five years, hunger has been on the rise again and the number of food crises is increasing. 828 million people were hungry around the world in 2022 – 46 million more than the previous year. According to the latest Global Report on Food Crises (World Food Programme, 2023), there were 58 food crises worldwide in 2022 and 258 million people were experiencing acute food insecurity, i.e. they were physically and economically unable to access enough safe, nutritious food. Undernutrition, which results in stunted growth, acute malnutrition and multiple deficiencies, is still the cause of almost half the deaths of children under five worldwide. Acute crisis situations aside, 3 billion people do not have access to a healthy diet. The food crisis, once the sad preserve of poor or war-torn countries, is now affecting industrialised countries. For example, 16% of French people say they do not eat their fill (Crédoc, 2023) and 26 million Americans went hungry in 2020 (U.S. Census Bureau).

Del editorial del nº25. Leer más aquí.

Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas

2024, Nº 49
Cohabitar el mundo

EDITORIAL: Cohabitar el mundo


  • Recrear la comunidad del pan. Horacio Machado Aráoz
  • Rehabitar lo rural. De la teoría a la práctica. Amalia Bueno
  • La gobernanza comunitaria ante los nuevos desafíos. Joám Evans Pim
  • La importancia de ser y sentirse pueblos. Begoña Ribera
  • «Debemos volver a mirar hacia las soberanías». Entrevista a Vanesa Freixa. Revista SABC
  • Aterrizar en la Tierra y los cuerpos. Claves ecofeministas para rehabitar la Tierra. Yayo Herrero


  • Conversatorio: Volver a habitar los cuerpos. Revista SABC


  • Las universidades y su papel en la difusión de falsas soluciones. Isabel Vara Sánchez
  • Industria, políticas europeas y colonialismo extractivista. Adriana Espinosa González


  • «Lo que el monte necesita es gente». Memorias y retos en torno a los comunes. Aurora Santos
  • Verdcamp Fruits, agricultura ecológica a gran escala. Gustavo Duch


  • Voces como las nuestras. Adrián O. Lozano
  • De manzanas abandonadas y matriarcados. Tereseta
  • Reseña del libro Geografías de la ingravidez de Marc Badal Pijoan. Laia Batalla-Carrera
  • La fuente. Un lugar de encuentro para pobladoras. Se nos va a echar el día a perder. Joan Verdugo Jiménez

ILUSTRACIÓN: Ivonne Navarro

Politique Africaine

2023, Nº 171/172
Souverainté économique et fondements du pouvoir au Maroc

Le Maroc actuel est saturé de références à la souveraineté économique, à l’instar de ce qu’a donné à voir la gestion du tremblement de terre de septembre 2023. Ce dossier, qui constitue le cœur de ce numéro double, a pour objectif de déconstruire cette notion ambivalente et plurielle. Il vise à mettre en évidence la diversité et la subtilité des enjeux politiques et économiques derrière les revendications toujours plus nombreuses de souveraineté. En abordant la souveraineté par ses modalités, le cas marocain permet de mettre en lumière les lieux d’exercice du pouvoir, les pratiques politiques ordinaires et les représentations de l’économie politique – autrement dit, les fondements économiques du pouvoir. Plus précisément, le dossier s’intéresse aux différentes manières par lesquelles la souveraineté économique est confortée ou revendiquée. Il rassemble des contributions sur les pouvoirs locaux, les trajectoires d’entreprises et d’entrepreneurs, la production et la vente de denrées alimentaires ou de cannabis, ou encore l’activité d’une commission nationale. Toutes éclairent l’importance, la diversité et la contingence des sources de souveraineté, ainsi que les conflits qu’elle suscite.

Le Dossier

  • Souveraineté économique, lieu du politique. Réflexions à partir du cas du Maroc. Nadia Hachimi-Alaoui et Béatrice Hibou
  • Des ambivalences de la souveraineté économique: ce que nous dit la Commission pour un nouveau modèle de développement. Entretien avec Mohamed Tozy. Réalisé par Béatrice Hibou
  • Souveraineté économique et capitalisme de dissidence au Maroc. Jouer les conflits politiques dans la discrétion. Irene Bono
  • Fleurs des champs. L’énonciation politique du cannabis au Maroc. Federico Reginato
  • Comment gouverne-t-on la sécurité alimentaire? Contrôler les prix, un exercice feuilleté de la souveraineté économique. Beatrice Ferlaino
  • L’impossible politique des champions nationaux au Maroc. Souveraineté, imaginaire politique et modes de gouvernement. Béatrice Hibou
  • Économie et souveraineté économique dans les jeux de pouvoir au Maroc. Une analyse à partir des représentants territoriaux. Nadia Hachimi-Alaoui


  • Les entrepreneurs de l’immobilité. Ascensions sociales, participations et contestations dans la lutte contre l’émigration irrégulière en Côte d’Ivoire. Camille Cassarini
  • «Boussan à vie» : une réforme extralégale des terriens autochtones en pays wè (département de Bangolo, Côte d’Ivoire). Tangui Przybylowski


  • Le coup d’État au Niger, entre réformisme civil et conservatisme militaire. Beatrice Bianchi et Bokar Sangaré


  • L’ordre de la transgression. La souveraineté à l’épreuve du temps global, par Patrice Yengo, commenté par Ambroise Kom, Benoit Beucher, Armando Cutolo et Stéphanie Mulot, débat dirigé par Béatrice Hibou et Boris Samuel
  • José Miguel Ribeiro (réalisé par), Film d’animation Nayola (par Chloé Buire)
  • Stéphanie Soubrier, Races guerrières. Enquête sur une catégorie impériale, 1850-1918 (par Vincent Joly)
  • Amrita Pande, Ruchi Chaturvedi et Daya Shari (dir.) *Epistemic Justice and the Postcolonial University* (par Fanny Chabrol)
  • Raymond Silverman, George Abungu et Peter Probst (dir.), National Museums in Africa: Identity, History and Politics (par Marian Nur Goni)

Ecología Política. Cuadernos de Debate Internacional

2024, Nº 66
Crisis ecológica y pérdida de biodiversidad

Este número de Ecología Política pone el foco en la pérdida de biodiversidad, abordando muchas de sus ramificaciones. «Crisis ecológica y pérdida de biodiversidad» analiza desde cómo incorporar a las comunidades indígenas y el mundo rural en la expansión de áreas protegidas, hasta la amenaza de la bioingeniería, pasando por la denuncia de los mecanismos de compensación y un sistema agroalimentario responsable de la mayoría de la pérdida de biodiversidad global.


  • La negligente desatención a la crisis de biodiversidad Fernando Valladares
  • Transformaciones socioeconómicas profundas para proteger la salud y biodiversidad Jaume Grau y Jesús Martín
  • Mojarse para combatir la pérdida de biodiversidad marina Cecilia del Castillo


  • Defensa territorial de la biodiversidad por pueblos indígenas en América Latina: vías legales y espacialidades alternativas Tlacaelel Rivera-Núñez y Elizabeth Castro-Salcido
  • ¿De quién es y quién decide sobre la biodiversidad? Un análisis crítico del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica Anne Tittor, Eduardo Relly y Maria Backhouse
  • Insectos, biodiversidad amenazada en un mundo cambiante Eduardo Galante
  • La financiación de la conservación de los bosques no debe realizarse mediante compensaciones de biodiversidad Davi de Souza Martins


  • Autodegradación: el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica y su nuevo Marco Mundial de Biodiversidad S. Faizi
  • Protección ambiental antártica: limitaciones y desafíos del sistema de áreas protegidas Martín Andrés Díaz
  • Debates entre biología de la conservación y ecología política en un área protegida de Mendoza, Argentina Camilo Arcos, Pehuén Barzola Elizagaray, Ofelia Agoglia y Juan Alvarez
  • Políticas de conservación de la biodiversidad e inclusión de las comunidades en las áreas naturales protegidas de México Nancy Arzipe, Adan Peña Fuente y José Feliciano González Jiménez
  • El comercio entre la Unión Europea y el Mercosur arrasa con la biodiversidad Tom Kucharz
  • Biorregiones: espacios para la vida y para la diversidad de la vida Nerea Morán Alonso y José Luis Fernández Casadevante
  • ¿Exterminio de especies para salvar la biodiversidad? Jordi López Ortega


  • Contrahegemonía y biodiversidad: las consultas populares en el Ecuador Jorge Enrique Forero y Alex Samaniego
  • Implicancias de la movilización ambientalista en la conservación y gestión de cangrejales de marisma en Uruguay Estela Delgado


  • Entrevista a Unai Pascual Joan Martínez Alier
  • Entrevista a Patricia Balvanera Joan Martínez Alier
  • Entrevista a Paola Arias Joan Martínez Alier


  • Naturalezas neoliberales: conflictos en torno al extractivismo urbano-inmobiliario Laura Herrera

Community Development Journal

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 1


  • Living our values in research and practice Kirsty Lohman and Ruth Pearce


  • Why focusing on our strengths matters: reflections on leaving a volunteer role I actually liked Kristen Lyons


  • Reflecting on community development research: how peer researchers influence and shape community action projects Elaine Arnull and Mahuya Kanjilal
  • An evidence cycle framework for community development initiatives Geoffrey R Browne
  • ‘Come as you are’: place attachment to Islamic third spaces in the United States Hassnaa Mohammed
  • Collective impact: lessons from the American democratic tradition Hannah W Stewart-Gambino
  • Overcoming barriers to social inclusion in agricultural intensification: reflections on a transdisciplinary community development project from India and Bangladesh Christian H Roth and others
  • Learning to work in certain ways: bureaucratic literacies and community-based volunteering in the Philippines Chris Millora


  • The significance of plus-development through sport: the practices and neoliberal politics of attracting participants to corporate sport-for-development Daniel Eisenkraft Klein and Simon Darnell
  • Community reinvestment challenges in the age of gentrification: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a case study for wide bank lending disparities Daniel Holland and Gregory D Squires
  • Constructive resilience in response to oppression: the strategy of Bahá’ís in Iran Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian
  • Empowering practices in education-focused coalitions: an examination using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis Joshua-Paul Miles and others


  • Hazard Mitigation Training for Vulnerable Communities: A K.A.P.S. (Knowledge, Attitude, Preparedness, Skills) Chinmayee Mishra
  • Abortion and Democracy: Contentious Body Politics in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay Amanda-Rose O’Halloran


  • Corrigendum to: Decolonizing social services through community development: an Anishinaabe experience Mamaweswen Niigaaniin and others

Tiempo de Paz

2023, Nº 151
El ascenso de la ultraderecha

La democracia liberal no es la primera vez que vive una crisis profunda en la comunidad internacional. El término Democracia se utiliza en casi todos los regímenes, desde el franquista (democracia orgánica) a los de la órbita de la Antigua Unión Soviética (democracias populares), pasando por otros muchos, en todos los continentes, por lo que esta denominación no siempre tiene el mismo alcance y significado.

  • Presentación. *María José Vicente
  • El orden mundial y los nuevos populismos. Juan JOsé laborda
  • La polarización política contra la paz. Victoria Camps
  • Los conceptos clave de la extrema derecha. David Lerín
  • VOX como espejo: mentalidad distintiva, venta de radicalismo y relativismo moral. David Hernández Corrochano
  • Los derechos humanos y la democracia como hoja de ruta frente a los extremismos. María JOsé Vicente -Administración pública y derechos humanos: una aproximación desde la derecha radical populista. Jorge Crespo
  • Agenda 2023, discpacidad y ultraderecha en España. Pilar Mairal Medina
  • La ultraderecha en Rusia y la simplicaciones para la paz: una mirada hacia el futuro. Eric Pardo
  • La comunicación política como arma de los nuevos extremismos. Cristina Valera y Enrique Samer Vargas
  • Suecia: un modelo a no seguir. Carlos Losa
  • La juventud ante la extrema derecha. Verónica Díaz
  • Factores explicativos del crecimeinto de la ultraderecha en Turquía. Carmen Rodríguez López
  • Javier Milei en la Casa Rosada: las causas de su fulgurante ascenso. Ismael García Ávalos
  • América Latina y las derechas: reflexiones en un largo períoso. Castor Díaz Barrado
  • ¿Supone la extrema derecha una amenaza a los derechos humanos y a los valores en la actualidad? Segundo Valmorisco Pizarro

Nueva Sociedad. Democracia y política en América Latina

2024, Nº 309
¿De la utopía a la distopía?

Hoy tenemos distopías para todos los gustos ideológicos, mientras el futuro parece cancelado como territorio de imaginación de un mundo mejor. En este contexto de «realismo capitalista», volver sobre la utopía –y sobre la posibilidad misma de imaginar futuros deseables– parece una condición para cualquier rearme ideológico progresista. Y a ello se dedica el Tema Central de este número de Nueva Sociedad.

Puedes consultar el índice y leer parte del contenido siguiendo este enlace.

Economía Mundial

2023, Nº 65


  • Editorial Manuela A. De Paz-Báñez y María José Asensio Coto

Sección General

  • Los problemas de solvencia de las entidades bancarias continúan. Evolución de los Activos Ponderados por Riesgo en las entidades bancarias españolas. Carlos Sánchez Mato, Eduardo Garzón Espinosa y Bibiana Medialdea García
  • El papel de los líderes comunitarios en los programas de microcrédito para emprendedores inmigrantes. Yessica Belén Abularach Mendoza, José Fernández-Serrano y María Inmaculada Jaén
  • Modleos de crecimeinto financiarizado como alternativa a las variedades de capitalismo: (in)estabilidad, instituciones y método taxonómico. Juan Barredo-Zurriarain, Jon Las Heras Cuenca y Carlos Rodríguez González
  • Comercio entre China y América Latina: tratados de libre comercio y alianzas estratégicas. Jorge A. López Arévalo y Jorge E. López Bencomo
  • La reducción de la brecha de género en clave de cadenas globales de valor: ¿apuesta política o perpetuación de los roles de género? Hugo Campos-Romero y Bruno Blanco-Varela
  • Análisis Temático y conceptual de la Revista de Economía Mundial usando Scimat. Êncarnación Moral-Pajares, Manuel Jesús Cobo-Martín, Ángela Andrea Caviedes Conde y Leticia Gallego Valero.
  • El trabajo en un mundo en transición hacia un nuevo orden mundial. Santos M. Ruesga Benito

Gender & Development

2023, Vol. 31, Nº 2-3
Decolonising knowledge and practice


  • Introduction: Decolonising (feminist) knowledge and practice Editorial Team
  • 'Yes caste is important, (but)’: examining the knowledge-production assemblage of Dwij-Savarna scholarship as it invisibilises caste in the context of women’s prisons in India Ravikant Kisana & Durga Hole -Challenging invisibilities: a sensorial exploration of gender and caste in waste-work Advaita Rajendra & Ankur Sarin
  • The Resurrection Binsu Susan John
  • Motherhood, disability, and rurality: descolonising practices and knowledge via the Las Quiscas case in Chile Pía Rodríguez-Garrido & Juan Andrés Pino-Morán
  • Deaf cultures: towards decolonisation of body, disability, and deafness Shreeti Shubham
  • Forever fields: studying knowledge practices in the global North: a view from the global South Nithila Kanagasabai
  • Who knows, who writes, and who decolonises? Dialogues about collaborative partnerships of a rural education initiative in post-accord Colombia Natalia Reinoso-Chávez, Laura Fonseca, María Alejandra Fino, Yasleidy Guerrero, Tatiana Muñoz & Carolina Gómez
  • Feminist initiatives in the SWANA region: fighting the patriarchal education with feminist knowledge Reny Iskander
  • Vacant Thuleleni Msomi
  • Decolonising knowledge production: the experience of the Syrian Female Journalists Network (SFJN) Hayma Alyousfi & Rand Sabbagh
  • Perpetually Lost in Translation Sara-Maya
  • A flurry of feminist knowledge production in the SWANA region and the emergence of a robust young intersectional movement Lina Abou-Habib, Carla Akil & Cynthia Chidiac
  • Gender diversity and inclusive representation as a means to decolonise museums Nadine Panayot
  • Women in community-based museums of memory in Colombia. Their struggle for peace building Diana Ordóñez Castillo
  • The archive and the cafezinho: challenging (disembodied) histories by embodied archival experiences at Acervo Bajubá, an LGBT+ community archive in Brazil Yuri Fraccaroli
  • Dancing with decolonial praxis: LBQ women and non-binary people’s subcultures in Lusaka, Zambia Efemia Chela
  • Hanya ada Satu Kata: Lawan! On decolonising and building a mutual collaborative research practice on gender and climate change Katie McQuaid & Desy Ayu Pirmasari
  • Decolonising Southern knowledge(s) in Aidland Katia Taela
  • Disrupting learning and evaluation practices in philanthropy from a feminist lens Clara Desalvo, Shama Dossa & Boikanyo Modungwa
  • Overcoming coloniality in adolescent health programmes: harnessing cultural values and the indigenous roles of grandmothers to promote girls’ holistic development in Senegal Anneke Newman, Judi Aubel & Mamadou Coulibaly
  • Gender knowledge, territorialising the rhizome, and playing with creative methods Andrea Lira, Andrea Barría & Ana Luisa Muñoz-García
  • Indigenous youth and international development: a decolonial analysis of Canada's International Aboriginal Youth Internship programme Lindsay Robinson, Brianna Parent-Long & Lilianna Coyes-Loiselle
  • The messy coloniality of gender and development in Indigenous Wixárika communities Paulina Ultreras Villagrana, Jennie Gamlin & María Teresa Fernández Aceves

Resources Compiled by Anandita Ghosh, Mahima Nayar, and Shivani Satija.

Book Reviews

  • The Force of Witness/Contra Feminicide by Rosa Linda-Fregoso. Deborah Eade
  • Becoming Young Men in a New India: Masculinities, Gender Relations, and Violence in the Postcolony by Shannon Philip. Maya Krishnan
  • Vimukta - Freedom Stories Edited by Dakxin Bajrange and Henry Schwarz. Shweta Goswami
  • Breaking the Silence on NGOs in Africa Edited by Lewis Maghanga and Nicholas Mwangi. Wangui Kimari



Publicación del IDS ( Institute of Development Studies ), dirigida a las personas relacionadas con el mundo de la cooperación, tanto a quienes trabajan sobre el terreno como a quienes desempeñan funciones de gestión y de investigación. Cada ejemplar está dedicado monográficamente a una problemática sobre el desarrollo. En Hegoa se encuentran los ejemplares desde el nº 1 (1992). Disponibles los sumarios aquí.

Última entrega

  • Rethinking Impact Evaluation fro Development Barbara Befani, Chris Barnett and Elliot Stern
  • Have Development Evaluators Been Fighting the Last War... And If So, What is to be Done? Robert Picciotto
  • Process Tracing and Contribution Analysis:A Combined Approach to Generative Causal Inference for Impact Evaluation. Barbara Befani and John Mayne
  • The Triviality of Measuring Ultimate Outcomes: Acknowledging the Span of Direct Influence Giel Ton, Sietze Vellema and Lan Ge
  • Things you Wanted to Know about Bias in Evaluations but Never Dared to Think Laura Camfield, Maren Duvendack and Richard Palmer-Jones
  • Making M&E More 'Impact-oriented': Illustrations from the UN Jos Vaessen, Oscar Garcia and Juha I. Uitto
  • Some Thoughts on Development Evaluation Processes Ole Winckler Andersen
  • Developing a Research Agenda for Impact Evaluation in Development Patricia J. Rogers and Greet Peersman
2014, Vol. 45, Nº 5
  • Localising Governance: An Outlook on Research and Policy Anuradha Joshi and Markus Schultze-Kraft
  • Power Above and Below the Waterline: Bridging Political Economy and Power Analysis Jethro Pettit and Andrés Mejía Acosta
  • Reading the Local Context: A Causal Chain Approach to Social Accountability Anuradha Joshi
  • Power, Violence, Citizenship and Agency Rosemary McGee
  • Beyond Ballotocracy: Citizens' Voices and the Many Faces of Unruly Politics Mariz Tadros
  • Distributing the Wealth from the Earth Javier Arellano Yanguas and Andrés Mejía Acosta
  • Devolving the Power to Divide: Sectarian Relations in Egypt (2011–12) Mariz Tadros
  • Connecting Citizens to the State: Informal Local Governance Institutions in the Western Balkans Shandana Khan Mohmand and Snezana Misic Mihajlovic
  • Decentralisation and Accountability in War-to-Peace Transitions: The Case of Kosovo Markus Schultze-Kraft and Engjellushe Morina
2014, Vol. 45, Nº 4
  • China and International Development: Challenges and Opportunities. ing Gu, Xiulan Zhang, Xiaoyun Li and Gerry Bloom
  • China's Role in the Rising of the South: Vision for 2030 . Xiaoyun Li, Dan Banik, Lixia Tang and Wu Jin
  • China's Role in Burma's Development. Neil Renwick
  • The Impact of China on the Donor Landscape in African Fragile States . Richard Schiere
  • China's Role in Africa: Implications for Governance and Development in Fragile States. Jing Gu and Anthony Carty
  • China and the BRICS Development Bank: Legitimacy and Multilateralism in South-South Cooperation. Adriana Erthal Abdenur
  • China's Development Finance: What Issues for Reporting and Monitoring Systems? Jiajun Xu and Richard Carey
  • Business Borderlands: China's Overseas State Agribusiness. Xiuli Xu, Gubo Qi and Xiaoyun Li
  • China's Foreign Aid Policy and Architecture: Strengths and Weaknesses Lan Xue and Yunnan Chen
2014, Vol. 45, Nº 2-2
New Perspectives from PhD Field Research
  • Introduction: New Perspectives from PhD Field Research. Marika Djolai, Eric Kasper , Ricardo Santos , Shilpi Srivastava y Linda Waldman
  • Weighing Up the Risks: The Challenge of Studying ‘Risk’ in Empirical Research.Stephen Whitfield
  • Performing Peace-building – Conferences, Rituals and the Role of Ethnographic Research. Tobias Denskus
  • The Power of Wellbeing Discourses among Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People in Mexico. Juan Jaime Loera-Gonzalez
  • Why Participation Matters: Communal Drinking Water Management in Bolivia and Ecuador. Maria Teresa Armijos y Anna Maria Walnycki
  • The Necessity of Engaging with Politics: Lessons from the Grass Roots in South India. Sunita Abraham
  • State-Dominated Civil Society and Migrant Children’s Education in Beijing. Myra Pong
  • The Disjuncture between Gendered Legislation and the Practice of Urban Planning: A Case Study of the Swaziland Urban Development Project. Hloniphile Y. Simelane
2014, Vol. 45, Nº 1
Undressing Patriarchy: Men and Structural Violence
  • Introduction: Undressing Patriarchy and Masculinities to Re-politicise Gender. Jerker Edström, Abhijit Das and Chris Dolan


  • ‘Money has More Weight than the Man’: Masculinities in the Marriages of Angolan War Veterans. John Spall
  • Poor Man’s Patriarchy: Gender Roles and Global Crises. Alexandra Kelbert and Naomi Hossain
  • Are Masculinities Changing? Ethnographic Exploration of a Gender Intervention with Men in Rural Maharashtra, India. Ahonaa Roy and Abhijit Das
  • Homophobia and Patriarchy in Nicaragua: A Few Ideas to Start a Debate. Patrick Welsh
  • Sex Work Undresses Patriarchy with Every Trick! Meena Saraswathi Seshu and Aarthi Pai


  • The HIV Blind Spot: Men and HIV Testing, Treatment and Care in Sub-Saharan Africa. Tim Shand, Hayley Thomson-de Boor, Wessel van den Berg, Dean Peacock and Laura Pascoe
  • Male Engagement in Deconstructing Institutional Violence in Kenya. Phil Erick Otieno
  • Changing Men: Challenging Stereotypes. Reflections on Working with Men on Gender Issues in India. Abhijit Das and Satish K. Singh


  • Has Patriarchy been Stealing the Feminists’ Clothes? Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and UN Security Council Resolutions. Chris Dolan
  • A Radical Agenda for Men’s Caregiving. Gary Barker
  • Gender and Development Cooperation: Scaling up Work with Men and Boys. Paul Dover


  • Reflecting on the Oppressor in the Mirror. Marc Peters
  • Towards an Intersectional Approach to Patriarchy: Male Homosociality in an American Context. Frank G. Karioris
  • The Male Order Development Encounter. Jerker Edström
2013, Vol. 44, Nº 5-6
Whose Goals Count? Lessons for Setting the Next Development Goals
  • Foreword: MDGs in Longer-Term Perspective – A Personal Reflection. Sir Richard Jolly
  • Whose Goals Count? Lessons for Setting the Next Development Goals. Richard Manning, Charlotte Harland Scott and Lawrence Haddad
  • Moving Towards a Post-2015 Development Framework – Lessons from Malawi. An Interview with Her Excellency Madam Joyce Banda, President of Malawi. Charlotte Harland Scott
  • The MDGs, Empowerment and Accountability in Africa: Retrospect and Prospects. Adebayo Olukoshi
  • Do MDGs Matter? India’s Development Trajectory in the 21st Century. Rajesh Tandon
  • Lessons from the Implementation of MDGs in Kenya: Options for a Post-2015 Framework. Mwangi Waituru
  • The MDG Enterprise: Experiences and Thoughts from Zambia. Michael J. Kelly
  • Gender Equality in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Lessons from the MDGs. Gita Sen
  • Nutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa: Setting the Stage for a Post-2015 Take-off. Anna Lartey
  • Reducing Poverty through Agricultural Development in China. Sangui Wang
  • Post-2015 Development Agenda: Employment and Growth with Special Reference to India. S. Mahendra Dev
  • Infrastructure Deficit, Financing Needs and the Post-2015 MDG Framework in Africa. Mthuli Ncube
  • Broadening the Environmental Agenda in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Adnan A. Hezri
  • Using 'Equitable and Sustainable Wellbeing' to Build the Post-MDGs Framework. Enrico Giovannini
2013, Vol. 44, Nº 4
China and Brazil in African Agriculture
  • New Development Encounters: China and Brazil in African Agriculture. Ian Scoones, Lídia Cabral and Henry Tugendhat
  • South–South Cooperation in Africa: Historical, Geopolitical and Political Economy Dimensions of International Development. Kojo Sebastian Amanor
  • What can Africa Learn from China's Experience in Agricultural Development? Li Xiaoyun, Tang Lixia, Xu Xiuli, Qi Gubo and Wang Haimin
  • Chinese Agriculture Development Cooperation in Africa: Narratives and Politics. Lila Buckley
  • Brazil–Africa Agricultural Cooperation Encounters: Drivers, Narratives and Imaginaries of Africa and Development. Lídia Cabral, Alex Shankland, Arilson Favareto and Alcides Costa Vaz
  • How Brazil’s Agrarian Dynamics Shape Development Cooperation in Africa. Francesco Maria Pierri
  • Expanding Agri-business: China and Brazil in Ghanaian Agriculture. Kojo Sebastian Amanor
  • Negotiating New Relationships: How the Ethiopian State is Involving China and Brazil in Agriculture and Rural Development. Dawit Alemu and Ian Scoones
  • Brazil and China in Mozambican Agriculture: Emerging Insights from the Field. Sérgio Chichava, Jimena Duran, Lídia Cabral, Alex Shankland, Lila Buckley, Tang Lixia and Zhang Yue
  • Reviving Zimbabwe’s Agriculture: The Role of China and Brazil. Langton Mukwereza
2013, Vol. 44, Nº 3
Seeing the Unseen: Breaking the Logjam of Undernutrition in Pakistan
  • Seeing the Unseen: Breaking the Logjam of Undernutrition in Pakistan. Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Haris Gazdar and Lawrence Haddad


  • Evaluation of Nutrition Surveys in Flood affected Areas of Pakistan: Seeing the Unseen. S.M. Moazzem Hossain, Mah Talat, Erin Boyd, Shamim Rafique Chowdhury, Sajid Bashir Soofi, Imtiaz Hussain, Imran Ahmed, Rehana Abdus Salam and Zulfiqar A. Bhutta
  • Towards Improved Food and Nutrition Security in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Shahid Fazal, Paola María Valdettaro, Joanna Friedman, Cécile Basquin and Silke Pietzsch
  • Inflation and Food Security in Pakistan: Impact and Coping Strategies. Haris Gazdar and Hussain Bux Mallah


  • Impact on Health and Nutrition Outcomes in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Imtiaz Hussain, Sajid Bashir Soofi, Seema Hasan, Nelofer Mehboob, Masawar Hussain, Arjumand Rizvi and Zulfiqar A. Bhutta
  • Impoverished Rural Districts of Pakistan: An Independent Evaluation of Impact on Educational and Cognitive Outcomes in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Sajid Bashir Soofi, Imtiaz Hussain, Nelofer Mehboob, Masawar Hussain, Zaid Bhatti, Saiqa Khan, Seema Hasan and Zulfiqar A. Bhutta
  • Achieving Universal Salt Iodisation (USI) in Pakistan: Challenges, Experiences and the Way Forward. Ahmed K. Masuood and Tausif Akhtar Janjua
  • Agriculture and Nutrition in Pakistan: Pathways and Disconnects. Mysbah Balagamwala and Haris Gazdar


  • Engaging Development Partners in Efforts to Reverse Malnutrition Trends in Pakistan. F. James Levinson on behalf of the Pakistan Nutrition Development Partners Group
  • Missing Dimensions in Addressing Child Malnutrition in Pakistan: Lessons from the Tawana Experience. Kausar S. Khan, Ghazala Rafique and Sohail Amir Ali Bawani
  • Nutrition Policy in the Post-devolution Context in Pakistan: An Analysis of Provincial Opportunities and Barriers. Shehla Zaidi, Shandana Khan Mohmand, Noorya Hayat, Andres Mejia Acosta and Zulfiqar A. Bhutta
  • The Emerging Social Contract: State–Citizen Interaction after the Floods of 2010 and 2011 in Southern Sindh, Pakistan. Ayesha Siddiqi
2013, Vol. 44, Nº 2
Real Time Monitoring for the Most Vulnerable
  • Introduction: Real Time Monitoring for the Most Vulnerable – Investing in Common Guidance for Equity and Quality. Martin Greeley, Henry Lucas, Jingqing Chai and Matthew Cummins
  • Real Time Monitoring for the Most Vulnerable: Concepts and Methods. Henry Lucas, Martin Greeley and Keetie Roelen
  • Real Time Monitoring and the New Information Technologies. Henry Lucas, Simon Batchelor and Evangelia Berdou

REAL TIME MONITORING OF THE GLOBAL CRISIS The RIM Initiative in Vietnam: 'Prioritise Rapid Results rather than Publishable Results' Henry Lucas and Jay Chaudhuri

Real Time Monitoring in Romania: Part of the Bigger Picture Keetie Roelen


  • Real Time Monitoring for the Most Vulnerable: UNICEF's Experience in Uganda. Matthew Cummins and Barbara Huddleston
  • Lessons from Senegal’s Database System for Case Management for Child Protection: A Pilot Project on Web-based and Mobile Technology. Jerker Edström, with Amadou Moreau and Xavier R. Sire
  • Real Time Monitoring with Indigenous Peoples: Technical, Social and Political Challenges, and Lessons from Brazil. Alex Shankland, Maria Elvira Toledo, Adriana Barbosa and Maria Ferreira Bittencourt
  • Real Time Monitoring for the Most Vulnerable: Pre-Primary Education in Bangladesh. Mahmuda Akhter and Jay Chaudhuri


  • Real Time Monitoring for the Most Vulnerable:Yemen Social Protection Monitoring Survey 2011–2012. Tammy Smith
  • Real Time Monitoring in Disasters. Nigel Scott and Simon Batchelor
2013, Vol. 44, Nº 1
Piecing it Together: Post-Conflict Security in an Africa of Networked, Multilevel Governance
  • Social Contracts, Networks and Security in Tropical Africa Conflict States: An Overview. David K. Leonard
  • Insecurity and Local Governance in Congo’s South Kivu. Ferdinand Mugumo Mushi
  • A Village-Up View of Sierra Leone’s Civil War and Reconstruction. James Bibi Maiah Vincent
  • Reconstructing Political Order Among the Somalis: The Historical Record in the South and Centre. David K. Leonard and Mohamed Samantar
  • Coordinating Development in Conflict States: Donor Networks in Somalia. Anna Schmidt
  • The Dynamics of Restraint in Côte d’Ivoire. Jeremy Allouche and Patrick Anderson Zadi Zadi
  • Democracy, Liberty and Montesquieu: Constructing Accountable Order in African Conflict States . David K. Leonard
  • The IDS Global Uncertainties Project on Security in an Africa of Networked, Multilevel Governance
2012, Vol. 43, Nº 6
Young people and agriculture in Africa
  • Introduction: The Young People and Agriculture ‘Problem’ in Africa. James Sumberg, Nana Akua Anyidoho, Jennifer Leavy, Dolf J.H. te Lintelo and Kate Wellard
  • Agriculture and the Generation Problem: Rural Youth, Employment and the Future of Farming. Ben White
  • Perceptions and Aspirations: A Case Study of Young People in Ghana's Cocoa Sector. Nana Akua Anyidoho, Jennifer Leavy and Kwadwo Asenso-Okyere
  • ‘A Last Resort and Often Not an Option at All’: Farming and Young People in Ethiopia. Getnet Tadele and Asrat Ayalew Gella
  • Quick Money and Power: Tomatoes and Livelihood Building in Rural Brong Ahafo, Ghana. Christine Okali and James Sumberg
  • Youth Farming and Nigeria's Development Dilemma: The Shonga Experiment. Joseph Ayodele Ariyo and Michael Mortimore
  • Youth, Agriculture and Land Grabs in Malawi. Blessings Chinsinga and Michael Chasukwa
  • Land Policies and Labour Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Law and Economics Analysis. Luis Tomás Montilla Fernández
  • Young People in African (Agricultural) Policy Processes? What National Youth Policies Can Tell Us. Dolf J.H. te Lintelo
2012, Vol. 43, Nº 5
New Roles for Communication in Development?
  • Is Development Research Communication Coming of Age? Blane Harvey, Tessa Lewin and Catherine Fisher
  • Deliberation, Dialogue and Debate: Why Researchers need to Engage with Others to Address Complex Issues. Ajoy Datta
  • Stimulating Demand for Research Evidence: What Role for Capacity-building? Kirsty Newman, Catherine Fisher and Louise Shaxson
  • This Research does not Influence Policy. Patta Scott-Villiers
  • Understanding Context in Learning-centred Approaches to Climate Change Communication. Blane Harvey, Liz Carlile, Jonathan Ensor, Ben Garside and Zachary Patterson
  • Approaches to Development Research Communication. Tessa Lewin and Zachary Patterson
  • Cartographers, Conciliators and Catalysts: Understanding the Communicative Roles of Researchers. Nicholas Benequista and Joanna Wheeler
  • Advances in Knowledge Brokering in the Agricultural Sector: Towards Innovation System Facilitation. Laurens Klerkx, Marc Schut, Cees Leeuwis and Catherine Kilelu
  • Seeing ‘With my Own Eyes’: Strengthening Interactions between Researchers and Schools. Alun Davies, Bibi Mbete, Greg Fegan, Sassy Molyneux and Sam Kinyanjui
  • Passing on the Hot Potato: Lessons from a Policy Brief Experiment . Penelope Beynon, Marie Gaarder, Christelle Chapoy and Edoardo Masset
  • Radio, ICT Convergence and Knowledge Brokerage: Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa. Heather Gilberds and Mary Myers
  • Changing the Financial Landscape of Africa: An Unusual Story of Evidence-informed Innovation, Intentional Policy Influence and Private Sector Engagement. Simon Batchelor
  • Reframing Digital Storytelling as Co-creative. Lara Worcester
  • Digital Storytelling in Bangladesh: Experiences, Challenges and Possibilities. Samia A. Rahim
  • Changing Focus: Exploring Images of Women and Empowerment in Egypt. Kristina Hallez
  • Real World: Empowering Representations of Women through Film. Tessa Lewin
  • Emerging Implications of Open and Linked Data for Knowledge Sharing in Development. Tim Davies and Duncan Edwards
2012, Vol. 43, Nº Special Issue
Standing on the Threshold: Food Justice in India


  • Overview. Standing on the Threshold: Food Justice in India. Lawrence Haddad, C.P. Chandrasekhar and Biraj Swain
  • Hunger and Malnutrition in India. N.C. Saxena
  • Food from the Courts: The Indian Experience. Harsh Mander


  • Elimination of Identity-based Discrimination in Food and Nutrition Programmes in India. Rajendra P. Mamgain and G. Dilip Diwakar
  • Who do ICDS and PDS Exclude and What Can be Done to Change This? Biraj Swain and M. Kumaran
  • Priority Changes for Strengthening Women's Role as Producers, Processors and Providers of Food and Nutrition. Amita Shah
  • How Best to Ensure Adivasis' Land, Forest and Mineral Rights? Felix Padel
  • Food and Nutrition Justice: How to Make it More Newsworthy? Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and Subi Chaturvedi
  • Measuring Political Commitment to Reducing Hunger and Under-nutrition: Can it be Done and Will it Help? Dolf J.H. te Lintelo


  • Food Price Levels and Volatility: Sources, Impact and Implications. C.P. Chandrasekhar
  • How Can India Help Prevent Food Price Volatility? M.S. Swaminathan and Swarna S. Vepa
  • Large-scale Investments in Agriculture in India. R. Ramakumar
  • Revitalising Agriculture in Eastern India: Investment and Policy Priorities. Nilachala Acharya and Subrat Das
  • Adapting Smallholder Agriculture to Climate Change. G.V. Ramanjaneyulu
  • India's Climate Policy: Squaring the Circle. D. Raghunandan
2012, Vol. 43, Nº 4
Hybrid security orders in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Preface: Security Sector Reform: An Essential Challenge for Peace Building Processes in Africa.
  • Introduction: Hybrid Security Governance in Africa. Niagalé Bagayoko
  • The African Standby Force: An Element of Prospective Multilevel Security Governance. Olaf Bachmann
  • Multilevel Governance and Security: Security Sector Reform in the Central African Republic. Niagalé Bagayoko
  • Mapping Police Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Thierry Nlandu Mayamba
  • A 'Force for Good'? Police Reform in Postconflict Sierra Leone. Joseph P. Chris Charley and Freida Ibiduni M'Cormack
  • Security Systems in Francophone and Anglophone Africa. Niagalé Bagayoko
  • Criminal Networks and Conflict-resolution Mechanisms in Northern Mali. Kalilou Sidibé
2012, Vol. 43, Nº 3
Action Research for Development and Social Change
  • Introduction: Action Research for Development and Social Change. Danny Burns, Blane Harvey and Afredo Ortiz Aragón
  • Getting to Grips with Power: Action Learning for Social Change in the UK. Jethro Pettit
  • Shifting Identity from Within the Conversational Flow of Organisational Complexity. Alfredo Ortiz Aragón
  • Guns, Silences, and Change: Using Action Research in Contexts of Violence. Joanna Wheeler
  • Action Research with Children: Lessons from Tackling Disasters and Climate Change. Thomas Tanner and Frances Seballos
  • Sharing and Co-generating Knowledges: Reflections on Experiences with PRA and CLTS. Robert Chambers
  • Participative Systemic Inquiry. Danny Burns
  • Linking Community, Radio, and Action Research on Climate Change: Reflections on a Systemic Approach. Blane Harvey, Danny Burns and Katy Oswald
2012, Vol. 43, Nº 2
'Some for All?' Politics and Pathways in Water and Sanitation
  • Introduction: ‘Some for All Rather than More for Some’? Contested Pathways and Politics since the 1990 New Delhi Statement. Alan Nicol, Lyla Mehta and Jeremy Allouche


  • Some for All Rather than More for Some: A Myth or a Reality? Gourisankar Ghosh
  • Barriers and Opportunities for Sanitation and Water for All, as Envisaged by the New Delhi Statement. Jon Lane


  • Anti-Privatisation Debates, Opaque Rules and ‘Privatised’ Water Services Provision: Some Lessons from Indonesia. Mohamad Mova Al 'Afghani
  • Pipe Dreams? The Governance of Urban Water Supply in Informal Settlements, New Delhi. Suneetha Dasappa Kacker and Anuradha Joshi
  • Swajaldhara: ‘Reversed’ Realities in Rural Water Supply in India. Shilpi Srivastava
  • Enabling or Disabling? Reflections on the Ethiopian National WASH Inventory Process. Katharina Welle, Florian Schaefer, John Butterworth and Kristof Bostoen


  • Redefining Water Security through Social Reproduction: Lessons Learned from Rajasthan’s ‘Ocean of Sand'. Michael Mascarenhas
  • Closing the Gap between ‘Expert’ and ‘Lay’ Knowledge in the Governance of Wastewater: Lessons and Reflections from New Delhi. Tim Karpouzoglou and Anna Zimmer
  • Is Water Policy the New Water Law? Rethinking the Place of Law in Water Sector Reforms. Philippe Cullet
  • Negotiating Marginalities: Right to the City’s Water. Nishtha Mehta


  • Sanitation: What’s the Real Problem? Duncan Mara
  • Why not Basics for All? Scopes and Challenges of Community-led Total Sanitation. Kamal Kar
  • Working Locally and Globally for Lasting Change: Linking Community Demand and Political Leadership. Barbara Frost


  • Equity and Inclusion in Sanitation and Hygiene in South Asia: A Regional Synthesis. Ravi Narayanan, Hendrik van Norden, Louisa Gosling and Archana Patkar
  • Needs, Rights and Responsibilities in Water Governance: Some Reflections. Synne Movik
2012, Vol. 43, Nº 1
The pulse of Egypt´s revolt
  • Introduction: The Pulse of the Arab Revolt. Mariz Tadros
  • Precursors of the Egyptian Revolution. Khalid Ali
  • The Role of the Youth's New Protest Movements in the January 25th Revolution. Yusery Ahmed Ezbawy
  • The Mubarak Regime's Failed Youth Policies and the January Uprising. Youssef Wardany
  • The Political Economy of the Egyptian and Arab Revolt. Omar S. Dahi
  • Accumulative Bad Governance. Sameh Fawzy
  • Backstage Governance. Mariz Tadros
  • The January 25th Uprisings: Through or in Spite of Civil Society? Ayman Abd el Wahab
  • Human Rights Organisations and the Egyptian Revolution. Mohamed Hussein El Naggar
  • The Islamist vs the Islamic in Welfare Outreach. Emad Siam
  • The Jaded Gender and Development Paradigm of Egypt. Hania Sholkamy
  • Donors' Responses to Arab Uprisings: Old Medicine in New Bottles? Yousry Mustapha
2011, Vol. 42, Nº 6
Social Protection for Social Justice


  • Democratic Governance for Social Justice: The Politics of Social Protection. Deepta Chopra and Dolf te Lintelo
  • One Step Beyond: From Social Protection Recipients to Citizens. Savina Tessitore
  • Social Protection in Zambia – Whose Politics? Esther Schüring and Julie Lawson-McDowall
  • Collaborative Governance: Analysing Social Audits in MGNREGA in India. Nidhi Vij


  • Social Protection to Address the Drivers of Vulnerability: A Bridge too Far? Keetie Roelen
  • Reflections on Including Disability in Social Protection Programmes. Marguerite Schneider, Wamundila Waliuya, Joseph Musanje and Leslie Swartz
  • Why is Social Protection Gender-blind? The Politics of Gender and Social Protection. Nicola Jones and Rebecca Holmes
  • Dignity and Stigma among South African Female Cash Transfer Recipients. Tessa Hochfeld and Sophie Plagerson
  • Richer but Resented: What do Cash Transfers do to Social Relations? Ian MacAuslan and Nils Riemenschneider


  • Social Protection and Climate Change. Christophe Béné
  • Adaptive Social Protection in Rwanda:‘Climate-proofing’ the Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme. Paul B. Siegel, Justine Gatsinzi and Andrew Kettlewell
  • Is there a Role for Cash Transfers in Climate Change Adaptation? Rachel Godfrey Wood


  • (Re)distribution and Growth: What is the Role of Social Protection? Rachel Sabates-Wheeler and Gabriele Koehler
  • Addressing Inequality: Framing Social Protection in National Development Strategies. Kate Carroll
  • Transformative Social Protection: Reflections on South Asian Policy Experiences. Gabriele Koehler
  • Political and Civil Society in India’s Welfare Trajectory. Ellen Ehmke
  • Social Protection, the Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights. Wouter van Ginneken
2011, Vol. 42, Nº 5
Time to Reimagine Development
  • Introduction: Time to Reimagine Development?- Lawrence Haddad, Naomi Hossain, J. Allister McGregor y Lyla Mehta
  • A Methodological Strategy for Reimagining Development: Enabling Complex Systemic Patterns to Surface through Multiple Voices. Danny Burns


  • Reimagining Development through the Crisis Watch Initiative. J. Allister McGregor
  • Reimagining Development with Indigenous People: Reflections from the São Gabriel da Cachoeira Workshop. Alex Shankland
  • Experiences and Reimaginings of Development from a Kutchi Village. Lyla Mehta
  • Transforming a Country? A Debate on Reimaginations of Development, Change and Crisis in Ethiopia. Birgit Habermann
  • Better Social Welfare, Ukraine. Marc P. Berenson


  • Development Professionals: Reconciling Personal Values with Professional Values. Neranjana Gunetilleke, Nilakshi De Silva y Gayathri Lokuge
  • Reimagining Development in the UK? Findings from the UK Public Opinion Monitor. Johanna Lindstrom y Spencer Henson
  • 'Images, Reflections, Mirrors': Student Perspectives on the Financial Crisis and Challenges for Development. Lars Otto Naess
  • Time to Reimagine Development? Editors Lawrence Haddad, Naomi Hossain, J. Allister McGregor y Lyla Mehta
  • The Faith Factor in Reimagining Development. Mariz Tadros
  • Beyond Silos: Complex Global Shocks and the New Challenges for Civil Society. Naomi Hossain
  • Grassroots Women Organising for Resilient Communities around the World. Dahlia Goldenberg
  • Reimagining Aid for the Next Ten Years: What do Donors Think? Sara J. Wolcott y Lawrence Haddad
  • Using the Financial Crisis to Reimagine the Private Sector. Sara J. Wolcott
  • How can the Financial Sector Better Serve People and the Planet? The Need to Reimagine Finance. Sara J. Wolcott


  • Reimagining 21st Century Development in Malawi: Generating and Sharing Knowledge Beyond the Traditional Development Establishment. Liz Allcock y Jimmy Kainja
  • Reimagining Participation: Opportunities and Challenges of the Open Source Model of Collaboration for Development Thinking and Practice. Evangelia Berdou
  • Tackling Instability in Financial Markets with a Panic Tax. Neil McCulloch
  • From Reimagining to Repositioning Accountability. Wenny Ho
  • 100 Voices: Southern NGO Perspectives on the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond. Amy Pollard, Andy Sumner, Monica Polato-Lopes y Agnès de Mauroy
2011, Vol. 42, Nº 4
The politics of seed in Africa's Green Revolution.
  • The politics of seed in Africa's Green Revolution: Alternative narratives and competing pathways.
  • The political ecology of cereal seed development in Africa: A history of selection.
  • From farmer participation to pro-poor seed markets: The political economomy of commercial cereal seed networks in Ghana.
  • Seeds and subsidies: The political economy of input programmes in Malawi.
  • The political economy of Ethiopian cereal seed systems: State control, market liberalisation and decentralisation.
  • Can agro-dealers deliver the Green Revolution in Kenya?
  • The politics of seed relief in Zimbabwe.
  • Crowdsourcing crop improvement in Sub-Saharan Africa: A proposal for a scalable an inclusive approach to Food Security.
  • Whose power to control? Some reflections on seed systems and Food Security in a changing world.
2011, Vol. 42, Nº 3
Political Economy of Climate Change.
  • Towards a new political economy of climate change and development.
  • The political dimension of vulnerability: Implications for the Green Climate Fund.
  • Understanding the political economy of the Adaptation Fund.
  • Towards an Understanding of the political economy of the PPCR.
  • Forest voices: Competing narratives over REDD+
  • The political economy of climate resilient development planning in Bangladesh.
  • Prioritising PPCR investments in Mazambique: The politics of "Country Ownership" and "Stakeholder Participation".
  • Negotiating climate resilience in Nepal.
  • Indigenous people and the regulation of REDD+ in Brazil: Beyond the War of the Worlds?
  • The political economy of clean development in India: CDM and Beyond.
  • Bridging research and policy processes for Climate Change Adaptation.
  • Meteorologists meeting rainmakers: Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Policy Processes in Kenya.
  • The political economy of adaptation through Crop Deversification in Malawi.
2011, Vol. 42, Nº 2
Working with the grain? rethinking African governance
  • Towards a theory of local governance and public goods provision.
  • The eight modes of local governance in West Africa.
  • Local powers and the co-delivery of public goods in Niger.
  • Local governance and public goods in Malawi.
  • Makeni city council and the politics of co-production in post-conflict Sierra Leone.
  • Popular concepts of justice and hybrid judicial institucions in Ghana.
  • Rethinking the relationship between neo-patrimonialism and economic development in Africa.
  • Neo-patrimonialism, institutions and economics growth: the case of Malawi, 1964-2009.
  • Conclusion: rethinking African governance and development.
2011, Vol. 42, Nº 2011
Gender, Rights and Religion at the crossroads.
  • Disentangling religion and Politics: Whither gender equality?
  • Religion and Development: A pratitioner's perspective on instrumentalisation.
  • The Islamisation of Human Rights: Implications for gender and politics in the Middle East.
  • Islamism and secularim: between states instrumentalisation and opposition Islamic Movements.
  • Creating conservatism or emancipating subjects? On the narrative of Islamic observance in Egypt.
  • Re-thinking the promotion of Women's Rights through Islam in India.
  • From Islamic Feminism to a Muslim holistic feminism.
  • The Musli, brotherhood's gender agenda: Reformed or reframed?
2010, Vol. 41, Nº 6
People-centred M&E: aligning incentives so agriculture does more to reduce hunger.
  • Overview: Getting a more balanced view of what is working in agriculture to reduce hunger.
  • The sorry state of M&E in Agriculture: Can People-centred Approaches help?
  • Comentary on 'The sorry state of M&E in Agriculture: Can People-centred Approaches help?
  • Evaluation: Why, for whom and how?
  • Three approaches to Monitoring: Feedback Systems, Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation and Logical Frameworks.
  • A revolution whose time has come? The Win-Win of Quantitative Participatory Approaches and Methods. Robert Chambers.
  • Creating the missing feedback loop.
  • Private Sector Metrics contributions to social change: Customer satisfaction meets agricultural development.
  • Women's empowerment, development interventions and the manegement of information flows. Naila Kabeer.
  • A learning approach to monitoring and evaluation.
2010, Vol. 41, Nº 5
Quotas: add women and stir?
  • Implementing affirmative action: global trends.
  • The limits of women's quotas in Brazil.
  • Does the political participation of women matters? Democratic representation, affirmative action and quotas in Costa Rica.
  • A silver lining: Women in reserved seats in local governments in Bangladesh.
  • Towards a politics of collective empowerment: learning from hill women in rural Uttarakhand, India.
  • Forging ahead without an affirmative action policy: Female politicians in Sierra Leone's post-war electoral process.
  • The will to political power: the Rwandan women in leadership.
  • Palestinian women contesting power in chaos.
  • Quotas: A highway to power in Egypt... but for which women?
  • The Sudanese Women's Movement and the mobilisation for the 2008 legislative quota and its aftermath.
2010, Vol. 41, Nº 4
Barriers to the extension of social protection: evidence from Asia.
2010, Vol. 41, Nº 3
Capacity. Reflecting collectively on capacities for change
  • Vices and virtues in Capacity Development by International NGOs
  • Multiple faces of power and learning.
2010, Vol. 41, Nº 2
Negotiating empowerment
  • Tools for transformation?
  • Mobilising for change: strategies and tactics.
  • Empowerment's hidden pathways?