Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua



Instituto de Estudios sobre Desarrollo y Cooperación Internacional

Nazioarteko Lankidetza eta Garapenari Buruzko Ikasketa Institutua

Últimas entregas


2023, Nº 125
The necessity of global climate justice

Climate change is a global problem that requires a global solution. Achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement is a collective task in which everyone has a role to play. However, the climate transition is taking place in a world characterized by great inequality. The poorest countries, which have contributed the least to the problem, are in many ways the hardest hit by climate change. In addition, they have less access to the resources needed to shape the climate transition and, at the same time, face the challenge of substantially increasing total energy generation to meet development needs. Finally, the transition itself may lead to unfair effects, such as misconducts in the extraction of needed resources.

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This lack of international climate justice makes achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and halting global warming impossible. It also increases inequality, poverty, instability and conflict. For these and other reasons, the AIV emphasizes that it is in the Dutch interest to step up efforts for international climate justice. In this report, the AIV makes concrete recommendations on how the Netherlands can work towards this.

Disponible aquí

Nueva Sociedad. Democracia y política en América Latina

2024, Nº 310
Algo va mal: nuevos desórdenes globales

«¿Por qué nos hemos apresurado tanto en derribar los diques que laboriosamente levantaron nuestros predecesores? ¿Tan seguros estamos de que no se avecinan inundaciones?», se preguntaba en 2010 el pensador británico Tony Judt en un libro balance cuya traducción española fue titulada Algo va mal. Hoy podemos mantener esta constatación –las inundaciones ya están entre nosotros– al examinar varias dimensiones globales del presente, en el contexto de lo que algunos han denominado el «retorno de la geopolítica».

Puedes consultar el índice y leer parte del contenido siguiendo este enlace.

Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas

2024, Nº 49
Cohabitar el mundo

EDITORIAL: Cohabitar el mundo


  • Recrear la comunidad del pan. Horacio Machado Aráoz
  • Rehabitar lo rural. De la teoría a la práctica. Amalia Bueno
  • La gobernanza comunitaria ante los nuevos desafíos. Joám Evans Pim
  • La importancia de ser y sentirse pueblos. Begoña Ribera
  • «Debemos volver a mirar hacia las soberanías». Entrevista a Vanesa Freixa. Revista SABC
  • Aterrizar en la Tierra y los cuerpos. Claves ecofeministas para rehabitar la Tierra. Yayo Herrero


  • Conversatorio: Volver a habitar los cuerpos. Revista SABC


  • Las universidades y su papel en la difusión de falsas soluciones. Isabel Vara Sánchez
  • Industria, políticas europeas y colonialismo extractivista. Adriana Espinosa González


  • «Lo que el monte necesita es gente». Memorias y retos en torno a los comunes. Aurora Santos
  • Verdcamp Fruits, agricultura ecológica a gran escala. Gustavo Duch


  • Voces como las nuestras. Adrián O. Lozano
  • De manzanas abandonadas y matriarcados. Tereseta
  • Reseña del libro Geografías de la ingravidez de Marc Badal Pijoan. Laia Batalla-Carrera
  • La fuente. Un lugar de encuentro para pobladoras. Se nos va a echar el día a perder. Joan Verdugo Jiménez

ILUSTRACIÓN: Ivonne Navarro

Alternatives Humanitaires / Humanitarian Alternatives

2024, Nº 25
Crises Alimentaires/ Food Crises

Over the past five years, hunger has been on the rise again and the number of food crises is increasing. 828 million people were hungry around the world in 2022 – 46 million more than the previous year. According to the latest Global Report on Food Crises (World Food Programme, 2023), there were 58 food crises worldwide in 2022 and 258 million people were experiencing acute food insecurity, i.e. they were physically and economically unable to access enough safe, nutritious food. Undernutrition, which results in stunted growth, acute malnutrition and multiple deficiencies, is still the cause of almost half the deaths of children under five worldwide. Acute crisis situations aside, 3 billion people do not have access to a healthy diet. The food crisis, once the sad preserve of poor or war-torn countries, is now affecting industrialised countries. For example, 16% of French people say they do not eat their fill (Crédoc, 2023) and 26 million Americans went hungry in 2020 (U.S. Census Bureau).

Del editorial del nº25. Leer más aquí.

Ecología Política. Cuadernos de Debate Internacional

2024, Nº 66
Crisis ecológica y pérdida de biodiversidad

Este número de Ecología Política pone el foco en la pérdida de biodiversidad, abordando muchas de sus ramificaciones. «Crisis ecológica y pérdida de biodiversidad» analiza desde cómo incorporar a las comunidades indígenas y el mundo rural en la expansión de áreas protegidas, hasta la amenaza de la bioingeniería, pasando por la denuncia de los mecanismos de compensación y un sistema agroalimentario responsable de la mayoría de la pérdida de biodiversidad global.


  • La negligente desatención a la crisis de biodiversidad Fernando Valladares
  • Transformaciones socioeconómicas profundas para proteger la salud y biodiversidad Jaume Grau y Jesús Martín
  • Mojarse para combatir la pérdida de biodiversidad marina Cecilia del Castillo


  • Defensa territorial de la biodiversidad por pueblos indígenas en América Latina: vías legales y espacialidades alternativas Tlacaelel Rivera-Núñez y Elizabeth Castro-Salcido
  • ¿De quién es y quién decide sobre la biodiversidad? Un análisis crítico del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica Anne Tittor, Eduardo Relly y Maria Backhouse
  • Insectos, biodiversidad amenazada en un mundo cambiante Eduardo Galante
  • La financiación de la conservación de los bosques no debe realizarse mediante compensaciones de biodiversidad Davi de Souza Martins


  • Autodegradación: el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica y su nuevo Marco Mundial de Biodiversidad S. Faizi
  • Protección ambiental antártica: limitaciones y desafíos del sistema de áreas protegidas Martín Andrés Díaz
  • Debates entre biología de la conservación y ecología política en un área protegida de Mendoza, Argentina Camilo Arcos, Pehuén Barzola Elizagaray, Ofelia Agoglia y Juan Alvarez
  • Políticas de conservación de la biodiversidad e inclusión de las comunidades en las áreas naturales protegidas de México Nancy Arzipe, Adan Peña Fuente y José Feliciano González Jiménez
  • El comercio entre la Unión Europea y el Mercosur arrasa con la biodiversidad Tom Kucharz
  • Biorregiones: espacios para la vida y para la diversidad de la vida Nerea Morán Alonso y José Luis Fernández Casadevante
  • ¿Exterminio de especies para salvar la biodiversidad? Jordi López Ortega


  • Contrahegemonía y biodiversidad: las consultas populares en el Ecuador Jorge Enrique Forero y Alex Samaniego
  • Implicancias de la movilización ambientalista en la conservación y gestión de cangrejales de marisma en Uruguay Estela Delgado


  • Entrevista a Unai Pascual Joan Martínez Alier
  • Entrevista a Patricia Balvanera Joan Martínez Alier
  • Entrevista a Paola Arias Joan Martínez Alier


  • Naturalezas neoliberales: conflictos en torno al extractivismo urbano-inmobiliario Laura Herrera

Community Development Journal

2024, Vol. 59, Nº 1


  • Living our values in research and practice Kirsty Lohman and Ruth Pearce


  • Why focusing on our strengths matters: reflections on leaving a volunteer role I actually liked Kristen Lyons


  • Reflecting on community development research: how peer researchers influence and shape community action projects Elaine Arnull and Mahuya Kanjilal
  • An evidence cycle framework for community development initiatives Geoffrey R Browne
  • ‘Come as you are’: place attachment to Islamic third spaces in the United States Hassnaa Mohammed
  • Collective impact: lessons from the American democratic tradition Hannah W Stewart-Gambino
  • Overcoming barriers to social inclusion in agricultural intensification: reflections on a transdisciplinary community development project from India and Bangladesh Christian H Roth and others
  • Learning to work in certain ways: bureaucratic literacies and community-based volunteering in the Philippines Chris Millora


  • The significance of plus-development through sport: the practices and neoliberal politics of attracting participants to corporate sport-for-development Daniel Eisenkraft Klein and Simon Darnell
  • Community reinvestment challenges in the age of gentrification: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a case study for wide bank lending disparities Daniel Holland and Gregory D Squires
  • Constructive resilience in response to oppression: the strategy of Bahá’ís in Iran Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian
  • Empowering practices in education-focused coalitions: an examination using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis Joshua-Paul Miles and others


  • Hazard Mitigation Training for Vulnerable Communities: A K.A.P.S. (Knowledge, Attitude, Preparedness, Skills) Chinmayee Mishra
  • Abortion and Democracy: Contentious Body Politics in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay Amanda-Rose O’Halloran


  • Corrigendum to: Decolonizing social services through community development: an Anishinaabe experience Mamaweswen Niigaaniin and others

Politique Africaine

2023, Nº 171/172
Souverainté économique et fondements du pouvoir au Maroc

Le Maroc actuel est saturé de références à la souveraineté économique, à l’instar de ce qu’a donné à voir la gestion du tremblement de terre de septembre 2023. Ce dossier, qui constitue le cœur de ce numéro double, a pour objectif de déconstruire cette notion ambivalente et plurielle. Il vise à mettre en évidence la diversité et la subtilité des enjeux politiques et économiques derrière les revendications toujours plus nombreuses de souveraineté. En abordant la souveraineté par ses modalités, le cas marocain permet de mettre en lumière les lieux d’exercice du pouvoir, les pratiques politiques ordinaires et les représentations de l’économie politique – autrement dit, les fondements économiques du pouvoir. Plus précisément, le dossier s’intéresse aux différentes manières par lesquelles la souveraineté économique est confortée ou revendiquée. Il rassemble des contributions sur les pouvoirs locaux, les trajectoires d’entreprises et d’entrepreneurs, la production et la vente de denrées alimentaires ou de cannabis, ou encore l’activité d’une commission nationale. Toutes éclairent l’importance, la diversité et la contingence des sources de souveraineté, ainsi que les conflits qu’elle suscite.

Le Dossier

  • Souveraineté économique, lieu du politique. Réflexions à partir du cas du Maroc. Nadia Hachimi-Alaoui et Béatrice Hibou
  • Des ambivalences de la souveraineté économique: ce que nous dit la Commission pour un nouveau modèle de développement. Entretien avec Mohamed Tozy. Réalisé par Béatrice Hibou
  • Souveraineté économique et capitalisme de dissidence au Maroc. Jouer les conflits politiques dans la discrétion. Irene Bono
  • Fleurs des champs. L’énonciation politique du cannabis au Maroc. Federico Reginato
  • Comment gouverne-t-on la sécurité alimentaire? Contrôler les prix, un exercice feuilleté de la souveraineté économique. Beatrice Ferlaino
  • L’impossible politique des champions nationaux au Maroc. Souveraineté, imaginaire politique et modes de gouvernement. Béatrice Hibou
  • Économie et souveraineté économique dans les jeux de pouvoir au Maroc. Une analyse à partir des représentants territoriaux. Nadia Hachimi-Alaoui


  • Les entrepreneurs de l’immobilité. Ascensions sociales, participations et contestations dans la lutte contre l’émigration irrégulière en Côte d’Ivoire. Camille Cassarini
  • «Boussan à vie» : une réforme extralégale des terriens autochtones en pays wè (département de Bangolo, Côte d’Ivoire). Tangui Przybylowski


  • Le coup d’État au Niger, entre réformisme civil et conservatisme militaire. Beatrice Bianchi et Bokar Sangaré


  • L’ordre de la transgression. La souveraineté à l’épreuve du temps global, par Patrice Yengo, commenté par Ambroise Kom, Benoit Beucher, Armando Cutolo et Stéphanie Mulot, débat dirigé par Béatrice Hibou et Boris Samuel
  • José Miguel Ribeiro (réalisé par), Film d’animation Nayola (par Chloé Buire)
  • Stéphanie Soubrier, Races guerrières. Enquête sur une catégorie impériale, 1850-1918 (par Vincent Joly)
  • Amrita Pande, Ruchi Chaturvedi et Daya Shari (dir.) *Epistemic Justice and the Postcolonial University* (par Fanny Chabrol)
  • Raymond Silverman, George Abungu et Peter Probst (dir.), National Museums in Africa: Identity, History and Politics (par Marian Nur Goni)

Tiempo de Paz

2023, Nº 151
El ascenso de la ultraderecha

La democracia liberal no es la primera vez que vive una crisis profunda en la comunidad internacional. El término Democracia se utiliza en casi todos los regímenes, desde el franquista (democracia orgánica) a los de la órbita de la Antigua Unión Soviética (democracias populares), pasando por otros muchos, en todos los continentes, por lo que esta denominación no siempre tiene el mismo alcance y significado.

  • Presentación. *María José Vicente
  • El orden mundial y los nuevos populismos. Juan JOsé laborda
  • La polarización política contra la paz. Victoria Camps
  • Los conceptos clave de la extrema derecha. David Lerín
  • VOX como espejo: mentalidad distintiva, venta de radicalismo y relativismo moral. David Hernández Corrochano
  • Los derechos humanos y la democracia como hoja de ruta frente a los extremismos. María JOsé Vicente -Administración pública y derechos humanos: una aproximación desde la derecha radical populista. Jorge Crespo
  • Agenda 2023, discpacidad y ultraderecha en España. Pilar Mairal Medina
  • La ultraderecha en Rusia y la simplicaciones para la paz: una mirada hacia el futuro. Eric Pardo
  • La comunicación política como arma de los nuevos extremismos. Cristina Valera y Enrique Samer Vargas
  • Suecia: un modelo a no seguir. Carlos Losa
  • La juventud ante la extrema derecha. Verónica Díaz
  • Factores explicativos del crecimeinto de la ultraderecha en Turquía. Carmen Rodríguez López
  • Javier Milei en la Casa Rosada: las causas de su fulgurante ascenso. Ismael García Ávalos
  • América Latina y las derechas: reflexiones en un largo períoso. Castor Díaz Barrado
  • ¿Supone la extrema derecha una amenaza a los derechos humanos y a los valores en la actualidad? Segundo Valmorisco Pizarro

Nueva Sociedad. Democracia y política en América Latina

2024, Nº 309
¿De la utopía a la distopía?

Hoy tenemos distopías para todos los gustos ideológicos, mientras el futuro parece cancelado como territorio de imaginación de un mundo mejor. En este contexto de «realismo capitalista», volver sobre la utopía –y sobre la posibilidad misma de imaginar futuros deseables– parece una condición para cualquier rearme ideológico progresista. Y a ello se dedica el Tema Central de este número de Nueva Sociedad.

Puedes consultar el índice y leer parte del contenido siguiendo este enlace.

Economía Mundial

2023, Nº 65


  • Editorial Manuela A. De Paz-Báñez y María José Asensio Coto

Sección General

  • Los problemas de solvencia de las entidades bancarias continúan. Evolución de los Activos Ponderados por Riesgo en las entidades bancarias españolas. Carlos Sánchez Mato, Eduardo Garzón Espinosa y Bibiana Medialdea García
  • El papel de los líderes comunitarios en los programas de microcrédito para emprendedores inmigrantes. Yessica Belén Abularach Mendoza, José Fernández-Serrano y María Inmaculada Jaén
  • Modleos de crecimeinto financiarizado como alternativa a las variedades de capitalismo: (in)estabilidad, instituciones y método taxonómico. Juan Barredo-Zurriarain, Jon Las Heras Cuenca y Carlos Rodríguez González
  • Comercio entre China y América Latina: tratados de libre comercio y alianzas estratégicas. Jorge A. López Arévalo y Jorge E. López Bencomo
  • La reducción de la brecha de género en clave de cadenas globales de valor: ¿apuesta política o perpetuación de los roles de género? Hugo Campos-Romero y Bruno Blanco-Varela
  • Análisis Temático y conceptual de la Revista de Economía Mundial usando Scimat. Êncarnación Moral-Pajares, Manuel Jesús Cobo-Martín, Ángela Andrea Caviedes Conde y Leticia Gallego Valero.
  • El trabajo en un mundo en transición hacia un nuevo orden mundial. Santos M. Ruesga Benito



Revista Internacional editada por Routledge sobre estudios de desarrollo desde 1964. Trata muchas áreas de debate, aunque da prioridad a temas interdisciplinares, textos críticos basados en trabajos empíricos o en teorías alternativas, otras perspectivas o escuelas de pensamiento, y temas importantes o relevantes sobre desarrollo económico y político. La revista se apoya en resúmenes de artículos publicados en francés, portugués y español. También están disponibles a texto completo en estos cuatro idiomas, e incluso en mandarín, algunos artículos escogidos. Estos y otras investigaciones sobre desarrollo, incluida la serie de libros Development in Practice Readers, están disponibles de manera gratuita en este sitio web multilingüe. En Hegoa pueden consultarse ejemplares desde 1991. Más información aquí.

Última entrega

  • Three ‘Rs’ of Econometrics: Repetition, Reproduction and Replication. Laura Camfield & Richard Palmer-Jones
  • Replicating Sachs and Warner’s Working Papers on the Resource Curse. Graham A. Davis
  • On the Colonial Origins of Agricultural Development in India: A Re-examination of Banerjee and Iyer, ‘History, Institutions and Economic Performance’. Vegard Iversen, Richard Palmer-Jones & Kunal Sen
  • Response to ‘A Re-Examination of Banerjee and Iyer’ by Iversen, Palmer-Jones and Sen. Abhijit Banerjee & Lakshmi Iyer
  • The Impact of EU Export Refunds on the African Continent: An Impact Assessment. Cesar Revoredo-Giha, George Philippidis, Luiza Toma & Alan Renwick
  • Changing Living Standards in Southern Indian Villages 1975–2006: Revisiting the ICRISAT Village Level Studies. Stefan Dercon, Pramila Krishnan & Sofya Krutikova
  • Who Suffers the Penalty?: A Panel Data Analysis of Earnings Gaps in Vietnam. Huu Chi Nguyen, Christophe J. Nordman & François Roubaud
  • Pastoralists under Pressure: Double Exposure to Economic and Environmental Change in Niger. Sarah L. McKune & Julie A. Silva
  • Revisiting the Meaning of Development: A Multidimensional Taxonomy of Developing Countries. Sergio Tezanos Vázquez & Andy Sumner
  • The Fungibility of Health Aid Reconsidered. Nicolas Van de Sijpe
  • The Fungibility of Health Aid: Reconsidering the Reconsidered. Joseph L. Dieleman, Casey M. Graves & Michael Hanlon
  • The Fungibility of Health Aid Reconsidered: A Rejoinder. Nicolas Van de Sijpe
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 11
National and local governance
  • Latin America’s Resurgent Centre: National Government Strategies after Decentralisation. J. Tyler Dickovick and Kent H. Eaton
  • Political Parties in Business: Rent Seekers, Developmentalists, or Both? Berhanu Abegaz
  • The Renewed Developmental State: The National Development Bank and the Brazil Model. Kathryn Hochstetler & Alfred P. Montero
  • The Shape of Corruption: Colombia as a Case Study. Laura Langbein & Pablo Sanabria
  • Arbitration is No Substitute for State Courts. Stefan Voigt & Sang-min Park
  • Leadership on the Commons: Wealth Distribution, Co-provision and Service Delivery. Mathew Kurian & Ton Dietz
  • Evidence on Community-Driven Development from an Indian Village. Arnab Mukherji
  • Rural Forest Management in Sierra Leone: The Role of Economic (In)Equality in Facilitating Collective Action. Marcus Wangel & Hans Blomkvist
  • Civic Space and Political Mobilisation: Cases in Malaysia and Thailand. Katia Balassiano & Asha Rathina Pandi
  • Caste, ‘Cleanliness’ and Cash: Effects of Caste-Based Political Reservations in Rajasthan on a Sanitation Prize. Sneha Lamba & Dean Spears
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 10
  • Drivers and dynamics of internal and international remittances. Mathias Czaika and John Spray
  • Remittances in Nepal: Boon or Bane? Chandan Sapkota
  • A theoritical perspective on human trafficking and migration-debt contracts. Mohammad Abdul Munim Joarder and Paul W. Miller
  • Alternative definitions of headship and the "Feminisation" of income poverty in post-apartheid South Africa. Michael Rogan
  • Pathways into and out of poverty: a study of rural household wealth dynamics in Kenya. Milu Muyanga, T.S.Jayne and William J. Burke
  • Nutritional intake and poverty in Mexico: 1984-2010. Jorge Valero-Gil and Magali Valero
  • Early-childhood nutrition and educational conditional cash transfer programmes. Seth R. Gitter, James Manley and Bradford L. Barham
  • Recovering comparable poverty estimates in Côte d'Ivoire. Andrew L. Dabalen and Saumik Paul
  • The effect of risk preferences o household use of water treatment. Magda Tsaneva
  • Can foreing health assistance reduce the medical brain drain? Yasser Moullan
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 9
Rural markets
  • Debt in Rural South India: fragmentation, social regulation and discrimination. Isabelle Guérin, Bert D'Espallier and Govindan Venkatasubramanian
  • Repeated transaction in rural grain markets of Ethiopia. Getaw Tadesse and Gerald Shively
  • Does observance of religious holidays affect agricultural productivity and household welfare? Evidence from Rural Ethiopia. Yoko Kijima and Horacio Gonzalez
  • Rice land designation policy in Vietnam and the implications of policy reform for food security and economic welfare. James A. Giesecke, Nhi Hoang Tran, Erwin L. Corong and Steven Jaffee
  • Social capital and institutional trust: evidence from Bolivia's popular participation decentralisation reforms. Martín Mendoza-Botelho
  • The sacrifices of micro-borrowers in Ghana - A customer-protection perspective on measuring over-indebtedness. Jessica Schicks
  • Expandig microfinance in Brazil: credit utilisation and performance of small firms. Emmanuel Skoufias, Phillippe Leite and Renata Narita
  • Social enterprise, capabilities and development paradigmas: lessons from Ecuador. Margherita Scarlato
  • Receive grants or perish? The survival prospects of Ugandan Non-Governmental Organisations. Ronelle Burger and Trudy Owens
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 8
  • Dynamics of Unfree Labour in the Contemporary Global Economy. Stephanie Barrientos, Uma Kothari & Nicola Phillips
  • Geographies and Histories of Unfreedom: Indentured Labourers and Contract Workers in Mauritius. Uma Kothari
  • ‘Labour Chains’: Analysing the Role of Labour Contractors in Global Production Networks. Stephanie Ware Barrientos
  • Jordan's Unfree Workforce: State-Sponsored Bonded Labour in the Arab Region. Elizabeth Frantz
  • Social Sustainability in Agriculture: An Anthropological Perspective on Child Labour in Cocoa Production in Ghana. Amanda Berlan
  • Children's Welfare and Short-term Migration from Rural India. Diane Coffey
  • Trade Openness and Wage Inequality: Evidence for Malaysia. Robert McNabb & Rusmawati Said
  • Foreign Ownership and Employment Growth in a Developing Country. Robert E. Lipsey, Fredrik Sjöholm & Jing Sun
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 7
Poverty Traps and Asset Dynamics
  • How Strong is the Evidence for the Existence of Poverty Traps? A Multicountry Assessment. Andy McKay & Emilie Perge
  • Assets and Poverty Traps in Rural Bangladesh. Agnes R. Quisumbing & Bob Baulch
  • Measuring Socio-economic Status in the Millennium Villages: The Role of Asset Index Choice. Hope Michelson, Maria Muñiz & Kyle DeRosa
  • Welfare Dynamics in Pakistan and Ethiopia – Does the Estimation Method Matter? Felix Naschold
  • Regional Agricultural Endowments and Shifts of Poverty Trap Equilibria: Evidence from Ethiopian Panel Data. Sungil Kwak & Stephen C. Smith
  • The Economics of Poverty Traps and Persistent Poverty: Empirical and Policy Implications. Christopher B. Barrett & Michael R. Carter
  • Job Choice of Three Generations in Rural Laos. Jonna P. Estudillo, Yukichi Mano & Saygnasak Seng-Arloun
  • Stuck in Place: Investigating Social Mobility in 14 Bangalore Slums. Anirudh Krishna
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 6
Remittances and migration
  • Migration as a Tool in Development Policy: Caution Ahead? Kevin D. Deane, Deborah Johnston & Justin O. Parkhurst
  • The Economics of Forced Migration. Isabel Ruiz & Carlos Vargas-Silva
  • The Labour Market Impacts of Immigration to Developing Countries: Evidence from a Registration Campaign in Thailand. John Bryant & Pungpond Rukumnuaykit
  • Aid, Remittances, Medical Brain Drain and Child Mortality: Evidence Using Inter and Intra-Country Data. Lisa Chauvet, Flore Gubert & Sandrine Mesplé-Somps
  • Circular Migration: A View from Destination Households in Two Urban Informal Settlements in South Africa. Dorrit Posel & Colin Marx
  • Migration and Translocal Livelihoods of Coastal Small-scale Fishers in Bangladesh. Mohammad Mahmudul Islam & Johannes Herbeck
  • Migration, Representations and Social Relations: Experiences of Jharkhand Labour to Western Uttar Pradesh. Nitya Rao & Amit Mitra
  • Remittances, Banking Status and the Usage of Insurance Schemes. Dorothee Crayen, Christa Hainz & Christiane Stöh de MartÍnez
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 5
  • Focus on women in microfinance institutios. Bert D'Espallier, Isabelle Guerin and Roy Mersland
  • Why micro-credit may leave women worse off: non-cooperative bargaining and the marriage game in South Asia. Sujata Balasubramanian
  • Look who's talking: the impacts of the intrahousehold allocation of mobile phones on agriculturalprices. Kyeong Ho Lee and Marc F. Bellemare
  • The influence of living with parents on women's decision-making participation in the household: evidence from the Southern Philippines. Connie Bayudan-Dacuycuy
  • Determinants of stated son preference in India: are men and women different? Marie-Claire Robitaille
  • Breaking the net: family structure and street-connected children in Zambia. Francesco Strobbe, Claudia Olivetti and Mireille Jacobson
  • The feminisation of agriculture with chinese characteristics. Alan de Brauw, Jikun Huang, Linxiu Zhang and Scott Rozelle


  • Coping and resilience during the food, fuel, and financial crisis. Rasmus Heltberg, Naomi Hossain, Anna Reva and Carolyn Turk
  • The pedagogy of science and environment: experimental evidence from Peru. Diether W. Beuermann, Emma Naslund-Hadley, Inder J. Ruprah and Jennelle Thompson
  • Theft in South Africa: an experiment to examine the influence of racial identity and inequality. Clinton J. Pecenka and Godfrey Kundhlande
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 4
  • Emerging and Submerging Powers: Imagined Geographies in the New Development Partnership at the Busan Fourth High Level Forum. Rosalind Eyben & Laura Savage
  • Unleashing Entrepreneurs or Controlling Unruly Providers? The Formalisation of Small-scale Water Providers in Greater Maputo, Mozambique. Rhodante Ahlers, Valeria Perez Güida, Maria Rusca & Klaas Schwartz
  • How (Un)Even was the Distribution of the Impacts of Mali's Water Privatisation across Stakeholders? Antonio Estache & Emili Grifell-Tatjé
  • The Impact of Indoor Air Pollution on the Incidence of Life Threatening Respiratory Illnesses: Evidence from Young Children in Peru. Gissele Gajate-Garrido
  • Did China's Tax‐for‐Fee Reform Improve Farmers' Welfare in Rural Areas? James Alm & Yongzheng Liu
  • Do Relative Income and Income Inequality Affect Consumption? Evidence from the Villages of Rural China. Wenkai Sun & Xianghong Wang
  • Building Ladders out of Chains: China's Hybrid-led Technological Development in Disaggregated Value Chains. Douglas B. Fuller
  • Aid and Growth: What Meta-Analysis Reveals. Tseday Jemaneh Mekasha & Finn Tarp
  • The Robust Result in Meta-analysis of Aid Effectiveness: A Response to Mekasha and Tarp. Hristos Doucouliagos & Martin Paldam
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 2
  • From User Fees to Fee Free: The Politics of Realising Universal Free Basic Education in Indonesia. Andrew Rosser & Anuradha Joshi
  • School Dropouts and Conditional Cash Transfers: Evidence from a Randomised Controlled Trial in Rural China's Junior High Schools. Di Mo, Linxiu Zhang, Hongmei Yi, Renfu Luo, Scott Rozelle & Carl Brinton
  • Impacts of an Early Stage Education Intervention on Students' Learning Achievement: Evidence from the Philippines. Futoshi Yamauchi & Yanyan Liu
  • Peaceful Coexistence? The Role of Religious Schools and NGOs in the Growth of Female Secondary Schooling in Bangladesh. Mohammad Niaz Asadullah & Nazmul Chaudhury
  • The Effect of Informal Networks on Corruption in Education: Evidence from the Household Survey Data in Bangladesh. Chongwoo Choe, Ratbek Dzhumashev, Asadul Islam & Zakir H. Khan
  • The School Governance Environment in Uttar Pradesh, India: Implications for Teacher Accountability and Effort. Geeta Kingdon & Mohd. Muzammil
  • Poverty, Race, and Children's Progress at School in South Africa. Ian M. Timæus, Sandile Simelane & Thabo Letsoalo
  • Peer Relations, Violence and School Attendance: Analyses of Bullying in Senior High Schools in Ghana. Mairead Dunne, Ricardo Sabates, Cynthia Bosumtwi-Sam & Andrew Owusu
  • How Does Additional Education Affect Willingness to Work in Rural Remote Areas in Low-Income Contexts? An Application on Health Workers in Tanzania. Julie Riise Kolstad
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 3
  • Creating Direct Incentives for Wildlife Conservation in Community-Based Natural Resource Management Programmes in Botswana. Elizabeth F. Pienaar, Lovell S. Jarvis & Douglas M. Larson
  • Assessing Small and Medium Forest Enterprises' Access to Microfinance: Case Studies from The Gambia. Maria Fernanda Tomaselli, Joleen Timko & Robert Kozak
  • ‘Everyone Now is Concentrating on the Mining’: Drivers and Implications of Rural Economic Transition in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Gavin Hilson & Chris Garforth
  • Consumer Willingness to Pay for Safer Vegetables in Urban Markets of a Developing Country: The Case of Kale in Nairobi, Kenya. Carl Johan Lagerkvist, Sebastian Hess, Julius Okello & Nancy Karanja
  • The Projection of Development: Cinematic Representation as A(nother) Source of Authoritative Knowledge? David Lewis, Dennis Rodgers & Michael Woolcock
  • ‘Pedagogical’ and Ethnographic Fictions and Meta-narratives of Development: 1 World Manga. Veronica Davidov
  • Cooperative Membership as a Trust and Trustworthiness Reinforcing Device: Results from a Field Experiment in the Philippines. Leonardo Becchetti, Stefano Castriota & Pierluigi Conzo
  • Is Previous Export Experience Important for New Exports? Roberto Álvarez, Hasan Faruq & Ricardo A. López
  • Natural Disasters, Human Development and Poverty at the Municipal Level in Mexico. Eduardo Rodriguez-Oreggia, Alejandro De La Fuente, Rodolfo De La Torre & Hector A. Moreno
2013, Vol. 49, Nº 1
State, Society and Governance
  • Looking Like a State: Techniques of Persistent Failure in State Capability for Implementation. Lant Pritchett, Michael Woolcock & Matt Andrews
  • Leadership and Institutional Change in the Public Provision of Transportation Infrastructure: An Analysis of India's Bihar. Nimah Mazaheri, Edouard Al-Dahdah, Sandeep Poundrik & Soujanya Chodavarapu
  • Ethnic Heterogeneity and the Private Provision of Public Goods. Matthias Schündeln
  • Drawing the Line between State and Society: Social Movements, Participation and Autonomy in Brazil. Lucy Earle
  • Decentralisation, Accountability and the 2007 MP Elections in Kenya. Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero
  • Do Property Rights Institutions Matter at the Local Level? Evidence from Madagascar. Alan Green & Christine Moser
  • Governance or Poverty Reduction? Assessing Budget Support in Nicaragua. Geske Dijkstra
  • Why is Absenteeism Low among Public Health Workers in Lao PDR? Hiroyuki Yamada, Yasuyuki Sawada & Xubei Luo
  • Do Fragile Countries Experience Worse MDG Progress? Kenneth Harttgen & Stephan Klasen
  • Intersubjective Meaning and Collective Action in Developing Societies: Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications. Varun Gauri, Michael Woolcock & Deval Desai
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 12
  • Does Child Undernutrition Persist Despite Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries? Quantile Regression Results. Steven A. Block, William A. Masters, Priya Bhagowalia.
  • Impact of Income on Nutrient Intakes: Implications for Undernourishment and Obesity. Matthew J. Salois, Richard Tiffin, Kelvin G. Balcombe.
  • Responding to Food Insecurity: Employing the Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis Framework in Rural Northern Kenya. Andrew Mude, Robert Ouma, Erin Lentz.
  • Seasonal Hunger and Its Mitigation in North-West Bangladesh. Shahidur R. Khandker, M. A. Baqui Khalily, Hussain A. Samad.
  • Food Aid and Malnutrition in Developing Countries: Evidence from Global Food Aid Allocation. Christian Kuhlgatz, Awudu Abdulai.
  • Progress in Health around the World. David Canning.
  • The Presentist Bias: Ahistoricism, Equity, and International Development in the 1970s. Michael Gubser
  • Are Survey Measures of Trust Correlated with Experimental Trust? Evidence from Cameroon. Alvin Etang, David Fielding, Stephen Knowles.
  • Distributive Effects of Regional Trade Agreements on the ‘Small Trading Partners’: Mercosur and the Case of Uruguay and Paraguay. Fernando Borraz, Máximo Rossi, Daniel Ferres.
  • A Method to Update Poverty Maps. Nguyen Viet Cuong.
  • High Noon for Microfinance Impact Evaluations: Re-investigating the Evidence from Bangladesh. Maren Duvendack, Richard Palmer-Jones.
  • Response to ‘High Noon for Microfinance Impact Evaluations’. Matthieu Chemin.
  • Gunfight at the Not OK Corral: Reply to ‘High Noon for Microfinance’. Mark M. Pitt.
  • Response to Chemin and to Pitt.Maren Duvendack, Richard Palmer-Jones.
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 11
Agriculture & rural development
  • Why were So Many Social Scientists Wrong about the Green Revolution? Learning from Bangladesh. Alastair Orr
  • Public Agronomy: Norman Borlaug as ‘Brand Hero’ for the Green Revolution. James Sumberg, Dennis Keeney & Benedict Dempsey
  • Effort, Technology and the Efficiency of Agricultural Cooperatives. Seung C. Ahn, Josef C. Brada & José A. Méndez
  • Mobile Phones and Economic Development in Rural Peru. Diether W. Beuermann, Christopher McKelvey & Renos Vakis
  • Transformation of the Rural Economy in the Philippines, 1988–2006. Charity Gay Ramos, Jonna Estudillo, Yasuyuki Sawada & Keijiro Otsuka
  • In Search of Alternatives: Pro-Poor Entrepreneurship in Community Forestry. Dinesh Paudel
  • Factors Associated with the Performance of User Groups in a Participatory Forest Management around Dodola Forest in the Bale Mountains, Southern Ethiopia. Yemiru Tesfaye, Anders Roos, Bruce J. Campbell & Folke Bohlin
  • Safeguarding Common-Pool Resources in Transition Economies: Experimental Evidence from Central Asia. Stephen Mark Rosenbaum, Stephan Billinger & Nils Stieglitz
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 10
  • Survey Article: Publication Bias in the Literature on Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers. Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova
  • Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers and Productivity Growth in Indonesian Garment and Electronics Manufacturing. Suyanto, Harry Bloch & Ruhul A. Salim
  • Gender and Modern Supply Chains in Developing Countries. Miet Maertens & Johan F.M. Swinnen
  • Export-led Growth, Gateway Cities and Urban Systems Development in Pre-World War II Southeast Asia. Gregg Huff
  • The Location of Overseas Research and Development and Intellectual Property Protection. Sunil Kanwar
  • Textile Manufacturing in Eight Developing Countries: Does Business Environment Matter for Firm Technical Efficiency? Mohamed Chaffai, Tidiane Kinda & Patrick Plane
  • How Responsive are Chinese Exports to Exchange Rate Changes? Evidence from Firm-level Data. Xufei Zhang & Xiaoxuan Liu
  • Social Learning and Farm Technology in Ethiopia: Impacts by Technology, Network Type, and Poverty Status. Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie & Alex Winter-Nelson
  • How to Attract Donations: The Case of US NGOs in International Development. Peter Nunnenkamp & Hannes Öhler
  • Climate Change and the Future of Caribbean Development. Matthew Louis Bishop & Anthony Payne
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 9
Poverty Dynamics
  • Intergenerational Wealth Mobility in Rural Bangladesh. M. Niaz Asadullah
  • Shocks, Consumption and Income Diversification in Rural Ethiopia. Catherine Porter
  • Employment Dynamics in the Rural Nonfarm Sector in Ethiopia: Do the Poor Have Time on Their Side? Sosina Bezu & Christopher Barrett
  • Livelihood Change in Rural Zimbabwe over 20 Years. Josphat Mushongah & Ian Scoones
  • Insurance for the Poor: the Case of Informal Insurance Groups in Benin. Philippe Lemay-Boucher
  • Serious Games in Livelihood Analysis: Reflections from the Case of Agricultural Wage Labourers in Andhra Prade. Tanya Jakimow
  • Poverty Reduction Effects of Agricultural Technology Adoption: A Micro-evidence from Rural Tanzania. Solomon Asfaw, Menale Kassie, Franklin Simtowe & Leslie Lipper
  • Household Responses to Economic and Demographic Shocks: Marginal Logit Analysis using Indonesian Data. Francesca Modena & Christopher L. Gilbert
  • Prenatal Seasonality, Child Growth, and Schooling Investments: Evidence from Rural Indonesia. Futoshi Yamauchi
  • Too Vulnerable for Microfinance? Risk and Vulnerability as Determinants of Microfinance Selection in Lima. Sarah Pearlman
  • Modelling Priority Patterns in Asset Acquisition: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Three Rural Districts in Uganda. Nicky Pouw & Chris Elbers
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 8
Migration and remittances
  • Do Remittances Lead to a Public Moral Hazard in Developing Countries? An Empirical Investigation. Christian Hubert Ebeke
  • Microeconomic Implications of Remittances in an Overlapping Generations Model with Altruism and a Motive to Receive Inheritance. Tigran A. Melkonyan & David A. Grigorian
  • Remittances and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Abu Siddique, E. A. Selvanathan & Saroja Selvanathan
  • Seasonal Migration to Mitigate Income Seasonality: Evidence from Bangladesh. Shahidur R. Khandker, M.A. Baqui Khalily & Hussain A. Samad
  • Partition, Migration, and Jute Cultivation in India. Prashant Bharadwaj & James Fenske
  • Does More Schooling Make You Run for the Border? Evidence from Post-Independence Kosovo. Artjoms Ivļevs & Roswitha M. King
  • Are Remittances an Effective Mechanism for Development? Evidence from Tajikistan, 1999–2007. Cynthia Buckley & Erin Trouth Hofmann
  • Migration, Remittances and Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Rural Mexico. Vera Chiodi, Esteban Jaimovich & Gabriel Montes-Rojas
  • Transforming Rural Economies: Migration, Income Generation and Inequality in Rural Mexico. Aslihan Arslan & J. Edward Taylor
  • Monetary Transfers from Children and the Labour Supply of Elderly Parents: Evidence from Vietnam. Ha Trong Nguyen, Amy Y.C. Liu & Alison L. Booth
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 7
  • A Tale of Two Cities: The Political Economy of Local Investment Climates in Indonesia. Arianto A. Patunru, Neil McCulloch & Christian von Luebke
  • The Reversal of Fortune Thesis Reconsidered. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay & Elliott Green
  • Exchange Rate Pass-through in South Africa: Panel Evidence from Individual Goods and Services. David C. Parsley
  • Multinationals as Stabilisers? Economic Crisis, Access to Finance, and Employment Growth. Roberto Álvarez & Holger Görg
  • Regulations, Brokers, and Interlinkages: The Institutional Organization of Wholesale Markets in Inda. Bart Minten, Anneleen Vandeplas & Johan Swinnen
  • Social Identity and Educational Attainment: The Role of Caste and Religion in Explaining Differences between Children in India. Vani K. Borooah
  • Does Size Matter? Reassessing the Relationship between Aquaculture and Poverty in Bangladesh. Ben Belton, Md. Mafujul Haque & David C. Little
  • Correlations, Causes and the Logic of Obscuration: Donor Shaping of Dominant Narratives in Indonesia's Irrigation Development. Diana Suhardiman & Peter P. Mollinga
  • Do the Vietnamese Support the Economic Doi Moi? Matteo Migheli
  • Cash Transfers and Citizenship: Evidence from South Africa. Sophie Plagerson, Trudy Harpham & Karina Kielmann
  • Life Satisfaction in Latin America: A Size-of-Place Analysis. Malgorzata Switek
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 6
Transmission Mechanisms and Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on the Developing World
  • Introduction: Transmission Mechanisms and Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on the Developing World. Machiko Nissanke
  • Propagation of Speculative Cycles: The Exchange Rate Channel. Massimiliano La Marca
  • Managing Capital Accounts in Emerging Markets: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis. Daniela Gabor
  • Commodity Market Linkages in the Global Financial Crisis: Excess Volatility and Development Impacts. Machiko Nissanke
  • The Growing Financialisation of Commodity Markets: Divergences between Index Investors and Money Managers. Jörg Mayer
  • Copper Boom and Bust in Zambia: The Commodity-Currency Link. Elva Bova
  • The Governance of Global Value Chains and the Effects of the Global Financial Crisis Transmitted to Producers in Africa and Asia. Jodie-Anne Keane
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 5
Microfinance and savings
  • Mobile Money: Communication, Consumption and Change in the Payments Space. Bill Maurer
  • Assessing the Effect of Microfinance on Vulnerability and Poverty among Low Income Households. Ranjula Bali Swain & Maria Floro
  • Assessing the Welfare Effects of Microfinance in Vietnam: Empirical Results from a Quasi-Experimental Survey. Son Nghiem, Tim Coelli & Prasada Rao
  • Does Microfinance Reduce Poverty in Bangladesh? New Evidence from Household Panel Data. Katsushi S. Imai & MD. Shafiul Azam
  • Do Migrants Really Save More? Understanding the Impact of Remittances on Savings in Rural China. Yu Zhu, Zhongmin Wu, Meiyan Wang, Yang Du & Fang Cai
  • Have Filipino Households Become Less Prudent? Akiko Terada-Hagiwara
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 4
  • Taxation, Political Accountability and Foreign Aid: Lessons from Somaliland. Nicholas Eubank
  • Government Effectiveness and Regional Variation in Informal Employment. Erik Jonasson
  • Understanding Education's Influence on Support for Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa. Geoffrey Evans & Pauline Rose
  • Universities and Knowledge-based Development in sub-Saharan Africa: Comparing University–Firm Interaction in Nigeria, Uganda and South Africa. Glenda Kruss, John Adeoti & Dani Nabudere
  • Educational Disparities in AIDS-affected Communities: Does Orphanhood Confer Unique Vulnerability? Rachel Kidman, James A. Hanley, Geoff Foster, S. V. Subramanian & S. Jody Heymann
  • Cultural Capital and Sustainable Livelihoods in Sri Lanka's Rural Villages: Towards Culturally Aware Development. Chandima Daskon & Andrew McGregor
  • Modernisation and Time Preferences in Tanzania: Evidence from a Large-Scale Elicitation Exercise. Ben D'Exelle, Bjorn van Campenhout & Els Lecoutere
  • Poverty in Haiti: Essays on Underdevelopment and Post Disaster Prospects. Georges Fouron
  • Shorelines: Space and Rights in South India. Hayden Kantor
  • Security Beyond the State: Private Security and International Politics. Jan Kees van Donge
  • Poverty and Morality: Religious and Secular Perspectives. Carole Rakodi
  • Migration and Social Protection: Claiming Social Rights Beyond Borders. Theophilus Ejorh
  • Brand Aid: Shopping Well to Save the World. Mark Wheeler
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 3
  • The Making and Remaking of Agro-Industries in Africa. Stefan Oumaa and Lindsay Whitfield
  • Developing Technological Capabilities in Agro-Industry: Ghana's Experience with Fresh Pineapple Exports. Lindsay Whitfield
  • Creating and Maintaining Global Connections: Agro-business and the Precarious Making of Fresh-cut Markets. Stefan Ouma
  • Global Value Chains and Market Formation Process in Emerging Export Activity: Evidence from Ethiopian Flower Industry. Mulu Gebreeyesus and Tetsushi Sonobe
  • The White Gold: The Role of Government and State in Rehabilitating the Sugar Industry in Mozambique. Lars Buur, Carlota Mondlane Tembe and Obede Baloi
  • The Impact of Trade Credit on Customer Switching Behaviour: Evidence from the Tanzanian Rice Market. Niels Hermes, Ernest Kihanga, Robert Lensink and Clemens Lutz
  • Virtual Incubation in Industrial Clusters: A Case Study in Pakistan. Babur Wasim Arif and Tetsushi Sonobe
  • Failing to Yield? Ploughs, Conservation Agriculture and the Problem of Agricultural Intensification: An Example from the Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe. Frédéric Baudron, Jens A. Andersson, Marc Corbeels and Ken E. Giller
  • Poverty and Livelihood Diversification in Rural Liberia: Exploring the Linkages between Artisanal Diamond Mining and Smallholder Rice Production. Gavin Hilson and Steven Van Bockstael
  • Smallholder Livelihood Adaptation in the Context of Neoliberal Policy Reforms: A Case of Maize Farmers in Southern Veracruz, Mexico. Sytske F. Groenewald and Marrit M. Van Den Berg
  • Fair Trade-Organic Coffee Cooperatives, Migration, and Secondary Schooling in Southern Mexico. Seth R. Gitter, Jeremy G. Weber, Bradford L. Barham, Mercedez Callenes and Jessa Lewis Valentine
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 2
  • Introduction to a Symposium in Honour of Michael Lipton. Andrew Newell
  • Is There Too Much Hype about Index-based Agricultural Insurance? Hans P. Binswanger-Mkhize
  • ‘We Are All Poor Here’: Economic Difference, Social Divisiveness and Targeting Cash Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Frank Ellis
  • Poverty and Survival. Sonia Bhalotra
  • Growth and Chronic Poverty: Evidence from Rural Communities in Ethiopia. Stefan Dercon, John Hoddinott & Tassew Woldehanna
  • How Much Can Asset Transfers Help the Poorest? Evaluating the Results of BRAC's Ultra-Poor Programme (2002–2008). Anirudh Krishna, Meri Poghosyan & Narayan Das
  • Decoupled Implementation of New-Wave Land Reforms: Decentralisation and Local Governance of Land in Tanzania. Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen
  • Rising Food Prices and Coping Strategies: Household-level Evidence from Afghanistan. Anna D'Souza & Dean Jolliffe
2012, Vol. 48, Nº 1
Special Section on Marriage, Gender Relations and Social Change
  • Introduction: Marriage, Gender Relations and Social Change. Cecile Jackson
  • Visiting Marriages and Remote Parenting: Changing Strategies of Rural–Urban Migrants to Hanoi, Vietnam. Catherine Locke, Nguyen Thi Ngan Hoa & Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam
  • Breadwinners and Homemakers: Migration and Changing Conjugal Expectations in Rural Bangladesh. Nitya Rao
  • Conjugality as Social Change: A Zimbabwean Case. Cecile Jackson
  • Conjugality, Subjectivity, Desire and Gender-based Violence in Tajikistan. Colette Harris
  • The Changing Relationships of Co-wives Over Time in Rural Southern Uganda. Janet Seeley
  • Gender and Trade Aspects of Labour Markets. Elissaios Papyrakis, Arlette Covarrubias & Arjan Verschoor
  • Demographic Dynamics in Poor Countries: Labour Market Conditions and Gender Inequalities. João Ricardo Faria & Adolfo Sachsida
  • Natural Disasters, Gender and Handicrafts.Yoshito Takasaki
  • Gender Differentials in the Payoff to Schooling in Rural China. Weiwei Ren & Paul W. Miller
  • Reconsidering Gender Bias in Intrahousehold Allocation in India. Laura Zimmermann
  • An Exploratory Analysis of Women's Empowerment in India: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach. Snigdha Chakrabarti & Chaiti Sharmab Biswas
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 12
  • Do Formulas Reduce Political Influence on Intergovernmental Grants? Evidence from Tanzania. Maarten A. Allers & Lewis J. Ishemoi
  • Health, Need and Politics: The Determinants of Bilateral HIV/AIDS Assistance. Constantine Boussalis & Caryn Peiffer
  • Household Water Supply Choice and Time Allocated to Water Collection: Evidence from Madagascar. Christopher Boone, Peter Glick & David E. Sahn
  • The Credit Constraints of Market-Oriented Farmers in Chile. Alvaro Reyes & Robert Lensink
  • Infrastructure and Cluster Development: A Case Study of Handloom Weavers in Rural Ethiopia. Xiaobo Zhang, Lisa Moorman & Gezahegn Ayele
  • Child Labour in Indonesian Small Industries. Krisztina Kis-Katos & Günther G. Schulze
  • Education and Household Inequality Change: A Decomposition Analysis for India. Janneke Pieters
  • Aid Absorption and Spending in Africa: A Panel Cointegration Approach. Pedro M.G. Martins
  • How Resilient are Labour Markets to Natural Disasters? The Case of the 1998 Bangladesh Flood. Valerie Mueller & Agnes Quisumbing
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 11
Impact Evaluation
  • Against Excessive Rhetoric in Impact Assessment: Overstating the Case for Randomised Controlled Experiments. Paul Shaffer
  • The Impact of School Meals on School Participation: Evidence from Rural India. Farzana Afridi
  • Achieving Equity in Health through Community-based Health Insurance: India's Experience with a Large CBHI Programme. Aradhna Aggarwal
  • Can Education Subsidy Reverse Falling Fertility? The Case of Taiwan. Shao-Hsun Keng & Sheng-Jang Sheu
  • Impact of Cash Transfer Programmes on School Attendance and Child Poverty: An Ex Ante Simulation for Sri Lanka. Ajantha Sisira Kumara & Wade Donald Pfau
  • Inequality and Political Clientelism: Evidence from South India. Thomas Markussen
  • Triadic Power Relations in Rural Nepal. Magnus Hatlebakk
  • Impact of Financial Crises on Poverty in the Developing World: An Empirical Approach. Zlatko Nikoloski
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 10
  • Taboos, Agriculture and Poverty. David Stifel, Marcel Fafchamps y Bart Minten
  • Understanding the Complexities Surrounding Gender Differences in Agricultural Productivity in Nigeria and Uganda. Amber Peterman, Agnes Quisumbing, Julia Behrman y Ephraim Nkonya
  • Induced Institutional Change or Transaction Costs? The Economic Logic of Land Reallocations in Chinese Agriculture. James Kai-Sing Kung y Ying Bai
  • Farmer Field Schools in Rural Kenya: A Transformative Learning Experience. Deborah Duveskog, Esbern Friis-Hansen y Edward W. Taylor
  • Linking Smallholders to the New Agricultural Economy: The Case of the Plataformas de Concertación in Ecuador. Romina Cavatassi, Mario González-Flores, Paul Winters, Jorge Andrade-Piedra, Patricio Espinosa y Graham Thiele
  • How Integrated is the Indian Wheat Market? Atanu Ghoshray y Madhusudan Ghosh pages 1574-1594
  • Developing Agricultural Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: Organic Cocoa in Rural Uganda. Sam Jones y Peter Gibbon
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 9
  • Do Local Elites Capture Natural Disaster Reconstruction Funds? Yoshito Takasaki
  • Symbolic Gestures: The Development Terrain of Post-Tsunami Villages in (Southern) Sri Lanka. Pia Hollenbach y Kanchana N. Ruwanpura
  • Sufficiency Re-examined: A Capabilities Perspective on the Assessment of Functional Adult Literacy. Bryan Maddox y Lucio Esposito
  • Miserly Developments. Jo Thori Lind y Karl Moene
  • The ‘Stubborn Stain’ on Development: Gendered Meanings of Housework (Non-)Participation in Cambodia. Katherine Brickell
  • Recent Advances in Lending to the Poor with Asymmetric Information. Emilios Galariotis, Christophe Villa y Nurmukhammad Yusupov
  • Firm Sponsored Training and Productivity in Morocco. Khalid Sekkat
  • Competition and Demographics in Large Indian Cities. Mohammad Amin
  • Virtuous Interactions in Removing Exclusion: The Link between Foreign Market Access and Access to Education. Leonardo Becchetti, Pierluigi Conzo y Fabio Pisani
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 8
Special Issue on Social Capital
  • The Promises of a New Social Capital Agenda. Renata Serra
  • A Dark Side of Social Capital? Kinship, Consumption, and Savings. Salvatore di Falco y Erwin Bulte
  • Social Identity and the Formation of Health Insurance Networks. Joachim De Weerdt y Marcel Fafchamps
  • FDI, Social Ties and Technological Learning in New Silicon Valley Clones. Evidence from the Costa Rican ICT Cluster. Luciano Ciravegna
  • Network Based Social Capital and Individual Loan Repayment Performance. Thomas Dufhues, Gertrud Buchenrieder, Dirk G. Euler y Nuchanata Munkung
  • Testing Lin's Social Capital Theory in an Informal African Urban Economy. Jean-Philippe Berrou y François Combarnous
  • Ethnic Ties in Trade Relationships and the Impact on Economic Performance: The Case of Small-Scale Producers in the Handloom Sector in Ethiopia. Merima Ali y Jack Peerlings
  • Performing Participatory Citizenship – Politics and Power in Kerala's Kudumbashree Programme. Dr Glyn Williams , Binitha V. Thampi, D. Narayana, Sailaja Nandigama y Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 7
  • Colonisation, institutions and development: new evidence. José Antonio Alonso
  • Is corruption really bad for inequality? Evidence from Latin America. Antonio R. Andres yCarlyn Ramlogan-Dobson
  • The institutional foundations of inequality and growth. Lewis Davis y Mark Hopkins
  • ROSCAs in urban Ethiopia: are the characteristics of the institutions more important than those of members?. Abbi M. Kedir y Gamal Ibrahim
  • Understanding poverty among the elderly in India: implications for social pension policy. Sarmistha Pal y Robert Palacios
  • India's Public Distribution System: utilisation and impact. Reetika Khera
  • Participation and earnings of older people in Argentina: nice work if you can get it?. Armando Barrientos
  • Aid and resource mobilisation in Sub-Saharan Africa: the role of reverse flows. John Serieux
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 6
Migration and remittances.
  • Evaluating the economic impact of international remittances on developing countries using household surveys: A literature review.
  • Subjectively-assessed welfare and international remittances: Evidence from Tonga.
  • Moving up the ladder? The impact of migration experience on occupational mobility in Albania.
  • The poverty reduction capacity of public and private transfers in transition.
  • Determinants of remittances: The case of the South Asia community in Manchester.
  • School attendance, child labour, and remittances from International Migration in El Salvador.
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 5
Infraestructure and development.
  • A critical appraisal of Macro-level Literature.
  • Rural roads and local market development.
  • The bang for the birr: Public expenditures and rural welfare in Ethiopia.
  • Rural electrification and fertility - Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire.
  • The long-run relationship between outward foreign direct investment and total factor productivity: Evidence for Developing countries.
  • Unbalanced development: The origin of Korea's self-employment problem from a comparative perspective.
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 4
  • Natural Resources and the "Quality" of Economic Development
  • "We are Scared to Say No": Facing Foreign Timber Companies in Sierra Leone's Community Woodlands.
  • Artisanal Gold Mining: A New Frontier in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone?
  • Aggravating the Resource Curse: Decentralisation, Mining and Conflict in Peru.
  • Enhancing Livelihoods and the Urban Environment: The Local Political Framework for Integrated Organic Waste Management in Diadema, Brazil.
  • Within-Firm Human Capital Externalities in Tunisia.
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 3
Conflict and Post Conflict
  • Population pressure, horizontal inequality and political violence: A disaggregated study of Indonesian Provinces, 1990-2003.
  • The long term educational cost of war: Evidence from landmine contamination in Cambodia.
  • Informing grassroots development: The 1994-1995 peacebuilding experience in Northern Ghana.
  • Culture, contiguity and conflict: On the measurement of ethnoliguistic effects in spatial spillovers.
  • Refugee movements and aid responsiveness of bilateral donors.
  • Financial access and exclusion in Kenya and Uganda. Four scenarios of Development and the Role of Economic Policy.
  • Trade liberalisation and The Poverty of Nations: A review article.
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 2
Rural livelihoods.
  • Livelihood transitions and the changing nature of farmer-herder conflict in Sahelian West Africa.
  • The relevance of a rules-based maize marketing policy: An experimental case study of Zambia.
  • Information flows and social externalities in a Tanzanian banana growing village.
  • Transaction costs, collective action and survival of heterogeneous co-management intitutions: Case study of forest management organistions in West Bengal, India.
  • Re-inventing dualism: Policy narratives and modes of oil palm expansion in Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • Work and empowerment: Women and agriculture in South India.
  • Bt cotton and farmer suicides in India: An evidence-based assessment.
2011, Vol. 47, Nº 1
Assets and gender
  • Women´s property rights and gendered policies: Implications form women´s long-term welfare in rural Tanzania.
  • Tenure insecurity, gender, low-cost land certification and land rental market participation in Ethiopia.
  • How access to credit affects self-employment: Differences by gender during India´s rural Baking reform.
  • How and why does history matter for development policy?
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 10
  • On tax efforts and colonial heritage in Africa.
  • Crises, what crises? New evidence on the relative roles of political and economic crises in Bergetting Reforms.
  • Elected leaders, community and development: evidence on distribution and agency from a case in India.
  • Aid and Sectorial Growth: Evidence from Panel Data.
  • Cross-country disparity in agricultural productivity: Quantifying the role of Modern Seed adoption.
  • Son preference and household income in rural China.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 9
Labour Markets.
  • Do changes in the labour market take families out of poverty? Determinants of existing poverty in Brazilian Metropolitan regions.
  • Capital and labour mobility and their impacts on Mexico's Regional Labour Market.
  • Part-time work, gender and job satisfaction: Evidence from a developing country.
  • Computer usage and labour regulation in India's retail sector.
  • Estimation of opportunity inequality in Brazil using nonparametric local logistic regression.
  • bilateral graduation: The impact of EPAs on LDC Trade Space.
  • Understanding the complexities of private standards in global agri-food chains as they impact developing countries.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 8
  • The Donor problems: An experimental analysis of beneficiary empowerment.
  • Small retailers in Brazil: are formal firms really more productive?
  • FDI liberalisation, firm heterogeneity and foreign ownership: German firms dedisions in reforming India.
  • Imports of intermediate inputs and spillover effects: Evidence from Chilean Plants.
  • National model of technological catching up and innovation: Comparing patents of Taiwan and South Korea.
  • Educational attainment and attitudes towards war in Muslim Countries contemplating war: The case of Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan and Turkey.
  • Sources of civic engagement in Latin america: Empirical evidence from rural Ecuadorian communities.
  • Are women as likely to take risks and compete? Behavioral findings from Central Vietnam.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 7
The government of chronic poverty.
  • The government of chronic poverty: From exclusion to citizenship?
  • A relational approach to durable poverty, inequality and power.
  • Grounding "Responsabilisation talk": Masculinities, citizenship and HIV in Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Rectifying the anti-politics of citizen participation: Insight from the internal politics of a Subaltern Community in Nepal.
  • Governing chronic povertyu under inclusive liberalism: The case of the Northern Uganda Social Action Fund.
  • Making development agents: participation and boundary object in International Development.
  • School exclusion as social exclusion: the practices and effects of a Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes for the Poor in Bangladesh.
  • "We always lived here": Indigenous Movements, Citizenship and Poverty in Argentina.
  • Decentring poverty, reworking government: Social Movements and states in the government of poverty.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 6
Rural development.
  • Risk, credit constraints and financial efficiency in Peruvian Agriculture.
  • The balance of power in rural marketing networks: A case study of Snake Trading in Cambodia.
  • Understanding the evolution of rice technology in China - from traditional agriculture to GM rice today.
  • Institutions and poverty.
  • Does oil still hinder democracy?
  • Industrialisation after a Deep Economic Crisis: Indonesia.
  • How infraestructure and financial institutions affect rural income and poverty: Evidence from Bangladesh.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 5
UNU-WIDER special issue on fragility and development in Small Island Developing States.
  • Vulnerability, trade, financial flows and state failure in Small Island Developing States. *Assesing the economic vulnerability of Small Island Developing States and the Least Developed Countries.
  • Terms of trade shocks and the current account in Small Island Developing States.
  • The short-run macroeconomic impact of Foreign aid to small states: An agnostic time series analysis.
  • Aid and growth in Small Island Developing States.
  • Aid and Dutch disease in the South Pacific and in other Small Island States.
  • Remittances in Small Island Developing States.
  • Paradise lost: The costs of State failure in the Pacific.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 4
Descentralised governance
  • Ambiguous institutions: Traditional Governance and Local Democracy in South India.
  • Can information about local Government performance induce civic participation? Evidence from the Philippines.
  • How important is the Capacity of Local Governments for improvements in welfare? Evidence from Descentralised Uganda.
  • Village elections, public goods investments and pork barrel politics, Chinese-style.
  • The political economy of village sanitation in South India: Capture or poor information?
  • Which institutions are good for your health? The deep determinants of comparative cross-country healthstatus.
  • Legal environment, finance channels and ivestment: The East African example.
  • Do Governments in Developing Countries pursue sustainable debt policies? Empirical evidence for selected countries in Africa and Latin America.
  • Remittances, poverty, inequality and welgfare: Evidence from the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso.
  • Learning by Southern Peace NGOs.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 3
Human Development
  • Women's empowerment across generations in Bangladesh.
  • Marrying contested approaches: Empowerment and the imposition of international principles: Domestic violence case reolutions in Indonesia.
  • A multinomial model of fertility choice and offspring sex relations in India.
  • Wealth: crucial but not sufficient - evidence from Pakistan on economic growth, child labour and schooling.
  • Health human capital, height and wages in China.
  • Making the grade? Private education in Northern India.
  • The rural-urban divide in China: Income but not happiness?
  • Reducing the educational gap: Good results in vulnerable groups.
  • Foreign assistance and the struggle agains HIV/AIDS in the Developing world.
  • The rise of obesity in transition: Theory and empirical evidence from Russia.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 1
Migration, transfers and economic decision making among agricultural households.
  • The impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Consumption and Investment in Nicaragua.
  • Conditional cash transfers and agricultural production: Lessons from the Oportunidades Experience in Mexico.
  • Does Migration make rural households more productive? Evidence from Mexico.
  • Moving forward, looking back: the impact of migration and remittances on assets, consumption and credit constraints in the rural Philippines.
  • Seasonal migration and agricultural production in Vietnam.
  • The vanishing farms? The impact of international migration on Albanian family farming.
  • Agricultural land use and asset accumulation in migrant households: the case of El Salvador.
2010, Vol. 46, Nº 2
  • Does contingent repayment in Microfinance help the poor during natural disasters?
  • The effects of a calamity on income and wellbeing of poor Microfinance borrowers: The case of the 2004 Tsunami shock.
  • Credit for what? Informal credit as a coping strategy of market women in Northern Ghana.
  • Changing resouce profiles: Aspirations among orphans in Central Mozambique in the context of an AIDS Migration intervention.
  • Random growth in Africa? Lessons from an evaluation of the growth evidence on Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia, 1965-1995.
  • The impact of Bt. Cotton on poor households in rural India.
  • An inquiry into the Development process of village industries: The case of a Knitwear Cluster in Northern Vietnam.
  • Moving out of poverty in Tanzania: Evidence from Kagera.
  • The Worldwide Government Indicators: Six, one, or none?
  • Global inequality in well-being dimensions.